DSWD Emergency Shelter Assistance Housing Program Calamity Victims

When a disaster strikes and damages or destroys homes, the first order of business is always to ensure that families have a safe place to stay.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is providing housing materials assistance to calamity-stricken families who lost their homes due to recent typhoons or disasters. This program is part of the government’s continuing effort to provide relief and rehabilitation assistance to those affected by natural disasters.

dswd emergency shelter assistance housing program

What is DSWD Emergency Shelter Assistance?

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has a housing program for calamity victims called the Emergency Shelter Assistance program. This program provides financial assistance to eligible victims of calamities so that they can repair or rebuild their homes.

The Shelter Assistance program is open to victims of typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other natural disasters. To be eligible for this program, victims must be displaced from their homes and must have experienced damage to their houses.

Under this program, DSWD provides financial assistance in the form of vouchers that can be used to purchase construction materials such as cement, lumber, nails, and GI sheets. Vouchers are also given for the purchase of decent and durable Shelter Kits which include items such as tarpaulins, blankets, mosquito nets, and jerry cans.

The program also provides assistance in the form of construction materials, such as lumber, plywood, roofing sheets, galvanized iron sheets, nails, and cement. DSWD also provides the tools necessary for the construction of temporary shelters.

 Who are the Beneficiaries Of The Program

  • Families whose home has been completely devastated by a natural or man-made tragedy
  • Not a recipient of any additional housing assistance for the disaster in issue from any other individuals, groups, or organizations, either government or non-government.
  • Families listed on the LGU master list based on the DSWD family access card provided for disaster assistance (DAFAC)
  • The family has not received any other housing aid for the tragedy in issue from any other individuals, groups, or organizations, either government or non-government.
  • According to the NSCB poverty statistic report of March 2, 2007, the monthly income of a household of six should be below the food threshold, which is P10, 936.00 in urban areas and P9, 767.00 in rural regions. Depending on the food threshold rate report from the NSCB, the family monthly income rate will occasionally need to be altered.
  • Owning the land on which the permanent shelter unit is to be built, or having occupied the land permanently or for a lengthy period—at least ten years.
  • Families in high-risk locations who are susceptible may be offered or be able to access shelter help as a part of mitigation efforts, depending on resources.

The Types Of Materials DSWD Housing Program For Calamity Victims Provide

Construction Supplies

One of the first things that many people think of when they hear the term “housing material assistance” is construction supplies. And it’s no wonder why; construction supplies are a necessary part of any major building project. Roofing materials, lumbers, nails, and tools are just some of the construction supplies that the DSWD provides to those who need them.

But construction supplies are not only useful for people who are looking to rebuild their homes from scratch. They can also be used to make repairs to homes that have been damaged by a calamity. By providing construction supplies to those who need them, the DSWD is helping to ensure that victims of a calamity can get their homes back in order as soon as possible.

Roofing Materials

Another important type of housing material that the DSWD provides is roofing material. A strong and sturdy roof is essential for any home, both for protecting against inclement weather and for maintaining the structural integrity of the home itself. But roofs can be expensive, especially if they need to be replaced after being damaged by a calamity.

The good news is that the DSWD’s Roofing Materials Assistance program can help offset some of the costs associated with replacing a roof. The program provides roofing materials—such as tiles, shingles, and tar paper—to those who need them.

By providing roofing materials to those who need them, the DSWD is helping to ensure that victims of a calamity can get their homes back in order as soon as possible.

Also Read: DSWD AICS Cash Assistance Programs


Lumbers is another important type of housing material that the DSWD provides. They are essential for any major building or renovation project; they provide both structure and support for homes and other buildings. But lumbers can be expensive, especially if they need to be replaced after being damaged by a calamity.

The good news is that the DSWD’s Assistance program can help offset some of the costs associated with replacing lumbers. The program provides lumbers—such as 2x4s, 4x4s, and 6x6s—to those who need them.

By providing lumbers to those who need them, the DSWD is helping to ensure that victims of a calamity can get their homes back in order as soon as possible.

Benefits of DSWD Housing Program For Calamity Victims (Housing Materials Assistance)

  • The DSWD Housing Program for Calamity Victims helps victims rebuild their homes quickly so that they can get back to their lives as soon as possible.
  • It provides an assistance package in the form of building materials, which makes it easier for calamity victims to rebuild their homes without having to worry about sourcing these materials themselves.
  • The DSWD Housing Program also offers training sessions on how to safely and effectively build houses that can withstand future disasters.
  • By helping calamity victims rebuild their homes, the DSWD Housing Program also helps boost the local economy as people will need to purchase construction materials and hire workers to help with the rebuilding process.
  • Finally, the DSWD Housing Program helps create a sense of community and camaraderie amongst those who have been affected by a disaster as they work together to rebuild their homes and lives.

dswd emergency assistance for shelter housing

How to Avail Of The DSWD Emergency Shelter Assistance

To avail of the DSWD housing program, interested individuals must submit a completed application form and other required documents to the nearest DSWD field office. The application form can be downloaded from the DSWD website or requested from the field office.

Required documents include proof of residency, identification documents, and proof of income. Applicants must also submit a list of housing materials needed, as well as an estimate of the cost of said materials.

The DSWD will then assess the application and approved applicants will be given a voucher that can be used to purchase housing materials from participating stores.

Participating stores are located in regions where the program is being implemented. A list of participating stores can be found on the DSWD website or at the nearest DSWD field office. Applicants can also choose to have the voucher delivered to their home address, if they are unable to go to a participating store themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Can DSWD Help People?

DSWD can help by providing basic needs like food, clothes, and shelter. They also give financial aid and social services to people in need. DSWD also helps by creating awareness on different problems like child abuse, human trafficking, and domestic violence.

2. What Are Some Programs Available In DSWD?

The Department of Social Welfare and Development offers several programs aimed at helping those in need. These include the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, which provides cash assistance to low-income families, and the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services program, which provides a range of services such as housing, health care, and education.

The department also offers loan programs for small businesses and microenterprises, as well as disaster relief assistance. In addition, the DSWD also provides support for differently-abled individuals and for senior citizens.

3. What Is The Role Of DSWD In The Disaster Response?

In the event of a disaster, the DSWD is responsible for providing relief and rehabilitation assistance to affected communities. This includes providing food, shelter, and other basic necessities. The DSWD also coordinates with other government agencies and NGOs to ensure that all affected individuals receive the assistance they need. In addition, the DSWD provides financial assistance to families who have lost their homes or livelihoods as a result of a disaster. Lastly, the DSWD works to raise awareness about disaster preparedness and risk reduction measures.


DSWD Housing Program for Calamity Victims (Housing Materials Assistance) provides construction supplies, roofing materials, and lumbers to those who have been affected by a disaster.

This program is just one example of how the DSWD is working to help those who have been affected by a disaster; in addition to providing immediate relief in the form of food, water, and shelter, they also offer long-term assistance through programs like this one.

If you or someone you know has been affected by a disaster and could benefit from this program, please do not hesitate to contact the DSWD for more information.dswd emergency shelter assistance housing program

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