DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS (Kapit Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services

The Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) Kalahi-CIDSS is a poverty alleviation program that uses a community-driven development (CDD) approach.

The program focuses on the delivery of basic services such as water, sanitation, roads, health, education, and electrification. It also strengthens the capacity of local government units to identify and respond to the needs of their constituents.

The overall goal of the program is to reduce poverty and vulnerability to risks among households in targeted areas through enhanced community participation in sustainable development.

dswd kalahi cidss program


“KALAHI-CIDSS” is the Philippine Government’s flagship program that adopts the CDD approach.

It is based on the principle that poor communities are capable of identifying their own development needs, planning solutions to address them, and implementing these solutions. This DSWD program mobilizes communities to participate in project identification, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

The objective of KALAHI-CIDSS is to reduce poverty by enabling barangays (villages) to become more resilient and responsive to the needs of their poor residents. It does this by increasing access to basic services, social capital, and watershed protection; and by promoting good governance.

It does this by empowering communities to become active partners in the management and delivery of social services, increasing access to resources, and improving local governance.

The program has three main objectives:

1) To increase household income;

2) To improve access to basic services; and

3) To strengthen community participation in local governance.

KALAHI-CIDSS follows a 7-step cycle:

1) Selection of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)-able barangays

2) Training of key functionaries

3) Conducting of PRA

4) Formation of the Barangay Development Team (BDT)

5) Planning for community projects

6) Implementation of community projects

7) Project monitoring, benefits evaluation, and sustainability planning

This cycle is continuously repeated throughout the life of the program in order to ensure that community needs are constantly being addressed and that beneficiaries have a sense of ownership over the program.

Community members are involved in every step of the process from selection to implementation to monitoring. The idea is that communities know best what their needs are and how to address them. This participatory approach results in buy-in from stakeholders and encourages sustainability even after KALAHI-CIDSS funding has ended.


KALAHI-CIDSS uses a grassroots approach that engages community members in all aspects of the program cycle, from identifying development needs to planning and implementing solutions. Community organizing is a central activity in KALAHI-CIDSS.

Through this process, residents form barangay organizations (BOs) which receive capacity building support from DSWD field staff. The BOs then carry out various activities aimed at community mobilization and empowerment. They also implement sub-projects that address identified community development needs.

Sub-projects are small-scale infrastructures or livelihood initiatives identified and prioritized by the community through a participatory needs assessment process. Common sub-projects include water systems, foot bridges, school buildings, health stations, day care centers, multi-purpose halls, roads, drainage systems, etc.

Each sub-project costs an average of Php 300,000 per barangay. The national government provides 80% of the project cost while the remaining 20% is shouldered by the beneficiary community through their own savings (pambansang pondo) or counterpart fund (bangko sentral).

Households with no sufficient savings are given financial assistance through the Appointed Paying Agent scheme wherein they will pay back the amount over a period of two years with no interest charged. In some cases where the barangay is unable to provide its required counterpart fund, the amount will be shouldered by LGUs or NGO partners.

Once implemented, sub-projects are turned over to the local government unit or appropriate government agency for maintenance and operation. Communities are responsible for ensuring that these facilities are well cared for so they can be enjoyed by succeeding generations. Proper maintenance also eliminates repair costs in the future.

Communities are also expected to contribute labor or “sweat equity” during project implementation as equivalent to 5% of the total project cost. This helps ensure community ownership and commitment towards sustaining the benefits from the sub-project over time. `;


The Many Benefits of DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS – The DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS program has helped countless communities across the Philippines reduce poverty and become more resilient to shocks such as natural disasters. Below are just some of the many benefits of the program:

Healthier & Safer Living Conditions

The Project provides communities with access to potable water supply and sanitation facilities. It also promotes health consciousness through sanitation education and regular clean-up activities. These lead to healthier families and reduced cases of waterborne diseases.

In addition, the construction of roads and bridges ensures that residents have safe passage going to work or school, as well as easy access to goods and services.

Improved Livelihood Opportunities & Increased Household Income

With enhanced skills and knowledge on enterprise development and management, farmers are able to increase their farm productivity through the adoption of appropriate technology.

They are also provided with market linkages so they can sell their produce at higher prices. Likewise, microenterprise development trainings enable community members to put up small businesses within their locality. This results in increased household income which then allows families to become self-sufficient and eventually break out of the cycle of poverty.

Stronger And Resilient Communities

The program also strengthens communities by building social cohesion and empowering residents to take an active role in solving problems in their area.

Since participating households have improved incomes and access to social services, they are better able to cope with shocks such as natural disasters or economic disruptions.

Better Education For Children & Youth

Community members are organized into groups such as Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) which help generate resources for school maintenance and operation expenses like hiring additional teaching staff or purchasing teaching materials.

The establishment of multi-purpose buildings also provides a conducive learning environment for children as these can be utilized as classrooms or library areas.

Furthermore, the Project implements scholarship programs for outstanding students who cannot afford to enroll in higher education institutions. intervenes by providing access to quality education which is every child’s right.

Lasting Change

Because the program focuses on capacity building and sustainability, its benefits are long-lasting. Communities that have participated in DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS are better equipped to deal with future challenges and continue reducing poverty even after the program ends.

The beauty of KALAHI-CIDSS is that it puts power back into the hands of impoverished communities by involving them in every step of the development process. Community members are no longer just recipients of government aid; they are now active participants in their own development!

Qualification For DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS

To be eligible for DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS, a family must:

1. Be living below the poverty line. This is determined by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB).

2. Be willing and able to participate in community projects. These projects are aimed at improving the community as a whole, and families who benefit from them are required to contribute labor or materials.

3. Have no outstanding loans from other government programs. This ensures that families who receive assistance from DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS can use it to improve their lives without having to worry about repaying debts.

4. Not have any members who are employed by the government or by a political party. This ensures that the program benefits those who need it the most.

5. Be residents of the area where the project is taking place. This ensures that families have a vested interest in the success of the project and are more likely to participate in its implementation.

What Is The Procedure Of DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS

Letter of Intent must be submitted by the Punong Barangay or Barangay Captain on behalf of the whole barangay. It should indicate the barangay’s willingness to participate in the project and address the identified community needs.

Video: DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS Community

This video shows how the DSWD’s Kalahi-CIDSS program empowers communities to grow and develop on their own. Check out this video to learn more about Kalahi-CIDSS!

KALAHI-CIDSS is More Than Just Poverty Alleviation.

KALAHI-CIDSS is an innovative way of approaching poverty alleviation and sustainable development. By involving communities in every step of the process, from identification to implementation to evaluation, KALAHI-CIDSS makes sure that community members have a say in their own development.

So far, the program has been very successful, but it’s important to remember that KALAHHI-CIDSS is about more than just reducing poverty; it’s about building a brighter future for the Philippines.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When KALAHI Program Was Officially Approved?

The KALAHI program was officially approved in 2003. This is a poverty alleviation program that focused on empowerment and community development.

2. What Is KALAHI-CIDSS Program of DSWD?

KALAHI-CIDSS or the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services is the Philippine government’s anti-poverty program. It is being implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development. KALAHI-CIDSS aims to reduce poverty by empowering communities to be active participants in their own development.

It does this by providing technical and financial assistance to barangays (villages) for the implementation of small infrastructure projects that address the community’s identified needs. KALAHI-CIDSS also promotes good governance by building the capacity of community members in planning, implementing, and monitoring development projects.

3. Why Is KALAHI-CIDSS Important?

KALAHI-CIDSS works to empower communities by building their capabilities in managing development activities and sustaining gains from these activities. The program’s ultimate goal is to help reduce poverty in the Philippines by providing communities with the means to improve their living conditions and make their voices heard in local governance. In this way, KALAHI-CIDSS contributes to the country’s efforts in achieving sustainable human development.

4. What Is Community Driven Approach?

Community-driven development is an approach to local economic and social development that is based on the active participation of citizens in planning and decision-making.

It puts power in the hands of the people who live and work in a community, rather than leaving it solely in the hands of government officials or private investors. CDD takes many different forms, but all approaches share a common goal: to ensure that development projects meet the needs and aspirations of those who will be most affected by them.

5. What kind of projects are funded under KALAHI-CIDSS?

Projects under KALAHI-CIDSS are small infrastructure projects that address the community’s identified needs. These might include water systems, roads, bridges, health centers, schools, and other public facilities.

KALAHI-CIDSS also funds capacity-building activities such as training workshops, seminars, and exposure visits. These activities aim to build the capabilities of community members in planning, implementing, and monitoring development projects.

KALAHI-CIDSS is a community-driven development program that is based on the active participation of citizens in planning and decision-making. What this means is that communities play a central role in identifying their own needs and priorities, and they are also actively involved in the implementation and evaluation of projects. This participatory approach ensures that development projects are relevant and responsive to the needs of those who will be most affected by them.


The KALAHI-CIDSS program is a Philippine government initiative that works to empower communities and reduce poverty by providing technical and financial assistance for small infrastructure projects. The program is based on the principle of community-driven development, which means that communities play a central role in identifying their own needs and priorities, and are actively involved in the implementation and evaluation of projects.

This participatory approach ensures that development projects are relevant and responsive to the needs of those who will be most affected by them.

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