“We shall automate the verification of contracts and issue secure Overseas Employment Certifications (OEC) that you can keep on your smartphone. I call on the Department of Migrant Workers and the DICT to make this a top priority.”
This was the statement made by Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr., the 17th President of the Philippines, during his First State of the Nation Address (SONA) in regard to helping Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
This is welcome news because a lot of OFWs are still having a hard time getting their OECs. Automating the verification of contracts and issuing secure Overseas Employment Certifications (OEC) will help a lot of workers, not just in terms of securing their jobs, but also in making sure that they are properly documented.
OEC and Contract Verification to become Automated and Faster
The OEC, also known as exit clearance or pass, is a document that certifies the regularity of a Filipino overseas worker’s recruitment and documentation abroad with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).
Contract Verification is also required by OFWs who have changed employers overseas.
Both these OFW documents require time and effort to process. It is very difficult for OFWs because before they go home to the Philippines for a vacation, they will need to secure these documents in order to be able to travel back to their work country.
Yet, the process has been slow and tedious. They have to book an appointment to visit the POLO office, and they have to time off from their busy work week to go there.

The President’s directive to the DICT and Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) is a step in the right direction to help our OFWs. Automating the verification of contracts and issuing secure Overseas Employment Certifications (OEC) via smartphone will make it easier and faster for them to get their documents so that they can focus on their jobs.
From processing and carrying documents to going paperless and using your smartphone, this is a big shift in the system that will benefit a lot of OFWs. We hope that this project will be carried out smoothly and efficiently so that our workers can have an easier time getting their documents and going about their lives.

Video: Plans for OFWs on Employment Contract Verification and OEC
Here is a video posted by ANC 24/7 which features the president’s directive to DMW and DICT about the OEC and contract verification as well as the plans for OFWs:
SONA Recording Online
You can check out the full State of the Nation Address in this recording by the Presidential Communications (Government of the Philippines)
The President has directed the DMW and DICT to work together to automate the verification of contracts and the issuance of OECs This will make it easier and faster for OFWs to get their documents.
Please be advised that the PH government agencies concerned are working hard to make this possible and will keep the public updated on their progress.
There are already existing OFW programs being launched recently such as the One Repatriation Command Center (ORCC) and the OFW Children’s Circle. We hope that these initiatives will also help make the lives of our OFWs better.
Below is a post from the Philippines News Agency Facebook Page regarding this particular directive: