Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership

Owning a home is a dream for some. Others can only fantasize about it. But if you want to reach your dream, the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) can help you make it happen. By investing in the agency’s savings program, a Kasambahay will be eligible for a home loan to purchase the house you have been dreaming of. Whether you’re a household helper, gardener, cook, or family driver, you can now enjoy the programs and services of HDMF by registering on the Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership.

On July 24, 2013, the Pag-IBIG Fund Board of Trustees held a Board Meeting to release the Guidelines on Membership of Kasambahay. On the said guidelines, the Pag-IBIG Fund requires mandatory membership for all Kasambahay or individuals performing domestic work in one household regularly. In addition, the membership program is open to other individuals, offering occasional services to household employers through voluntary membership. With Pag-IBIG membership, Kasambahay can enjoy various benefits, such as home and calamity loans.

Pag-IBIG Kasambahay Household Employer Membership

What is Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership

Through the Republic Act 10361 or the “Batas Kasambay,” the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) launched the Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership. It’s a membership program for household helpers, aiming to promote the rights of Kasambahay through mandatory coverage. Also known as the Domestic Workers Act, this program offers Kasambahay ang Employers suitable policies through membership registration. The membership is open for Employers and Kasambay or Domestic Workers, whether in a live-in or live-out arrangement.

Under this membership program, the Employer should cover the monthly contribution of the Kasambahay if their compensation is below P5,000. On the contrary, the Employer and Kasambahay should pay their corresponding share in the monthly contribution if the compensation is P5,000 and above. Once the membership starts, the Employer should also remit the Monthly Mandatory Savings (MS) to the nearest Pag-IBIG Fund branch office or accredited payment centers on or before the 10th day of every month.

A penalty of 1/10 of 1% of the amount due will incur per day if the Employer fails to remit the Monthly Mandatory Savings (MS) on time. Meanwhile, the Employer should notify the Pag-IBIG Fund regarding any incident that may affect the Kasambahay’s membership, such as:

  • Resignation
  • Leave without pay
  • Involuntary separation from employment
  • Death


The Pag-IBIG Kasambahay Membership is mandatory for the following individuals:

  • General Household Helper
  • Yaya (Nanny)
  • Cook
  • Gardener
  • Laundry Person
  • Any individual who frequently performs domestic work in one household on an occupational basis (live-out arrangement)

Despite being excluded from the Batas Kasambahay, the following individual may apply for voluntary coverage for Pag-IBIG Kasambahay Membership:

  • Service providers
  • Family drivers
  • Any other individual who irregularly or occasionally performs work and not on a regular/occupational basis

If you belong to any of the categories stated above, here are the additional qualification criteria you should meet before you apply for Pag-IBIG Kasambahay Membership:

  • A Kasambahay is eligible for membership registration, given they have rendered at least one (1) month of service to the Employer.
  • The Kasambahay should register online with the Pag-IBIG Fund via the Kasambahay Unified Registration System (URS)
  • The Kasambahay’s Employer should also register with the Pag-IBIG Fund with the Pag-IBIG Fund via the Kasambahay URS.
  • If the Kasambahay URS is unavailable, the Employer and Kasambahay should complete the hard copy of the required forms at the nearest Pag-IBIG Fund branch.

Meanwhile, a Kasambahay is registered with the Pag-IBIG Fund if their Employer already registered them with Philippine Health Insurance (PhilHealth) or Social Security System (SSS) via the Kasambahay URS.


If eligible for Pag-IBIG membership, the Employer and Kasambahay should secure the following requirements:

For Kasambahay

  • Fill out the hard copy of the Kasambahay Unified Registration Form (PPS-KUR Form) if Kasambahay URS is unavailable. Click here to download.
  • Fill out the Member’s Data Form or MDF (HQP-PFF-039) for voluntary coverage. Click here to download.
  • Original and photocopy of at least one (1) valid government-issued ID

For Employer

  • Fill out the hard copy of the Household Employment Unified Report Form (PPS-HEUR2 Form) if Kasambahay URS is unavailable. Click here to download.
  • Employer’s Data Form or EDF (HQP-PFF-002). Click here to download.
  • Membership Savings Remittance Form or MSRF (HQP-PFF-114). Click here to download.

Note: Fill out the forms using black ballpen only.

Monthly Mandatory Savings

Under this program, the Employer should remit the first monthly mandatory savings after registering for Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership. In addition, the Monthly Mandatory Savings (MS) of a Kasambahay with below P5,000 compensation every month must be shouldered by the Employer and depends on the following rates:

  • Monthly compensation of P1,500 and below – 3% total MS rate shouldered by the Employer
  • Monthly compensation over P1,500 to P4,999 – 4% MS rate shouldered by the Employer

The Kasambahay and Employer should remit their share in the Monthly Mandatory Savings (MS) with a rate of 2% if the monthly compensation is at least P5,000 and above.

Here’s a sample computation of the Monthly Mandatory Savings (MS) based on the stated rates:

  • Salary P2,500 – Employee: NA; Employer: P100 (Total MS: P100)
  • P3,000 – Employee: NA; Employer: P120 (Total MS: P120)
  • P3,500 – Employee: NA; Employer: P140 (Total MS: P140)
  • P4,000 – Employee: NA; Employer: P160 (Total MS: P160)
  • P4,500 – Employee: NA; Employer: P180 (Total MS: P180)
  • P5,000 and above – Employee: P100; Employer: P100 (Total MS: P200)

How to Apply for Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership

For Kasambahays and Employers who wish to apply for Pag-IBIG membership, follow the steps below:

Via Virtual Pag-IBIG (Online)

The Kasambahay Unified Registration System (URS) is currently not accessible online since it’s under maintenance. Nonetheless, you may check the portal from the time of registration by visiting the Virtual Pag-IBIG website. Under the Membership section, click Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership to check if the system is available.

Via Pag-IBIG Fund Branch (On-site)

  1. The Employer and Kasambahay should visit the nearest Pag-IBIG Fund branch.
  2. Accomplish the required forms on-site or download them beforehand on the provided links in the requirements section.
  3. Submit the accomplished forms to the Pag-IBIG Fund personnel. You can also process the registration at any SSS or PhilHealth office.
  4. The applicants should also submit an original copy of the following documents:
  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Card
  • Seaman’s Book
  1. After submitting the requirements, the Employer can pay the mandatory contributions monthly or quarterly.

Note: Applicants who can’t provide the primary documents should submit two (2) valid IDs bearing their name and date of birth. The application is labeled “Temporary Membership Status” if the Kasambahay can’t provide identification documents. Also, applicants without a Pag-IBIG MID Number/RTN can register online through this link.


With the Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership, Filipinos working as household helpers, nanny, cook, and family drivers can now save up to protect their future. This program also makes them eligible for various benefits, such as Pag-IBIG Housing Loan, Calamity Loan, and Savings Program. Therefore, the Pag-IBIG Kasambahay and Household Employer Membership will surely benefit many Filipinos working as domestic workers.

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