Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings – Features, Requirements & Account Creation

Financial stability is vital to be confident and live comfortably in the future. It’s one of the top goals we all want to achieve to ensure a better life for ourselves and our families. However, being financially stable is a long-term process possible by investing early, wisely, and consistently. If you’re a Pag-IBIG member, another way to grow your hard-earned money is by applying for an MP2 Savings account. For more details on this program, keep reading as we share everything about the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings.

Aside from the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings, members can invest in the MP2 Savings to earn higher dividends. This program enables Filipinos to increase their savings while earning competitive returns. It also makes it convenient for Filipinos to invest since they can save for as low as P500 per remittance. To earn returns, Pag-IBIG members can also open multiple MP2 Savings accounts and reopen an account after the maturity period. Thus, members who wish to grow their savings should invest in Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings.

pag-ibig mp2 savings

What is Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings

Commonly known as MP2 Savings, the Modified Pag-IBIG II Savings is an investment scheme launched by the Philippine government, which is a special voluntary savings facility. It’s an optional savings program with a 5-year maturity, designed for active and former Pag-IBIG Fund members who want to increase their savings and earn more dividends other than their Pag-IBIG Regular Savings.

This program is also open to former Pag-IBIG Fund members who are retirees and pensioners regardless of age, given they have at least 24 monthly savings before retirement and other sources of monthly income. In addition, Pag-IBIG allocates at least 70% of its annual net income and proportionally adds it to the dividends of Pag-IBIG Savings members. Therefore, the more you save, the higher dividends you’ll receive as a member.

Under MP2 Savings, a member can save a minimum of P500 per remittance. There’s also no limit on how much you can save. But if you’re investing more than P500,000, you should remit it via manager or personal check due to Pag-IBIG Fund. Meanwhile, submit proof of income/source of funds for members with over P100,000 MP2 Savings. Members can also remit a one-time lump sum of their MP2 Savings for five (5) years.

Furthermore, members can open multiple MP2 Savings accounts and check their records via Virtual Pag-IBIG. While the government guarantees the MP2 Savings, the annual dividends depend on the financial performance of the Pag-IBIG Fund. After reaching the 5-year maturity period, a member can also re-apply for a new MP2 Savings account to earn more dividends.


Before investing in this program, here are the features of Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings:

  • Earn higher dividend rates compared to Pag-IBIG Regular Savings (up to 6% annual dividend rate)
  • Tax-free dividends, which can be withdrawn yearly or after its 5-year maturity period
  • Government-guaranteed earnings since the dividend rate is higher than regular Pag-IBIG deposits, ensuring competitive and stable return on investment (ROI)
  • Easy to save as members can save for only a minimum of P500 per remittance.
  • MP2 Savings offers short investment terms with a 5-year maturity period
  • Affordable and flexible investment option with a minimum contribution of P500 per remittance
  • No penalties for missed contributions
  • Without limit to how much you can save.
  • Open multiple MP2 Savings accounts for various goals


To open an MP2 Savings account, the applicant should meet any of the following:

  • Active Pag-IBIG Fund members (voluntary, mandatory, and self-employed) with at least one (1) month contribution/savings within the last six (6) months, whether local or abroad.
  • Former Pag-IBIG Funder members who are retirees and pensioners with other monthly sources of income and at least 24 months of savings before retirement, regardless of age.
  • Natural-born Filipinos who reacquired their Filipino Citizenship by RA 9225 (Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003) with at least 24 months savings before permanently migrating to another country

On the other hand, inactive members who stopped paying their Pag-IBIG contributions can also apply for MP2 Savings, given they resume their payments and achieve the minimum 24 months contribution.

How to Apply for the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings Program

If you meet the qualifications stated above, follow the steps below to apply for the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings program:

Via Virtual Pag-IBIG (Online)

  1. Visit the MP2 Savings Enrollment page through this link:
  2. Fill out the required details, including:
  • Pag-IBIG Membership ID (MID) number
  • Last name
  • First name
  • Date of birth
  1. Enter the CAPTCHA code.
  2. Review the details you have entered and click the Submit button.
  3. Next, type the amount you want to remit for your MP2 Savings in the Desired Monthly Contribution field.
  4. Choose the option you want on the dropdown menus:
  • Dividend payout
  • Payment mode
  • Source of funds
  1. Tap the Submit button.
  2. Afterward, it will display your duly-accomplished Modified Pag-IBIG II Enrolment Form, containing your 12-digit MP2 Savings account number. Print it or save the form as a PDF file.

Via Pag-IBIG Office (On-Site)

If you need to complete other transactions with the Pag-IBIG office, you can also open your MP2 Savings account on-site. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the nearest Pag-IBIG branch office. (Click here to locate Pag-IBIG branches.)
  2. Ask the Pag-IBIG officer for an MP2 Enrollment Form. You can also download it through this link:
  3. Fill out the required fields, including personal information, source of funds, preferred dividend payout, and mode of payment.
  4. Indicate your preferred amount of monthly contribution for your MP2 Savings.
  5. Once complete, submit the enrolment form with the following requirements:
  • Photocopy of valid government-issued ID (such as passport or driver’s license)
  • Duly-accomplished Modified Pag-IBIG II Enrollment Form
  • Proof of income (such as payslip or certificate of employment)
  • Passbook or ATM card of your bank account where you’ll receive the MP2 Savings and dividends
  1. The Pag-IBIG officer will instruct you to pay the initial contribution.
  2. After paying the initial contribution, secure your receipt and a copy of your MP2 Enrollment Form as proof of application.

Note: The process and requirements for the MP2 Savings program may vary per branch. Thus, verify with the Pag-IBIG near you for a hassle-free application.


As of 2020, the dividend rate of Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings reached 6.12%. That’s why investing in this program will surely benefit many Filipinos. Moreover, members can conveniently apply for this program via the Virtual Pag-IBIG online portal. Nonetheless, you may withdraw your MP2 Savings before the maturity period under reasonable circumstances, such as total disability/insanity, retirement, permanent migration, unemployment due to health conditions, or company closure. Therefore, the Pag-IBIG MP2 Savings may serve as an emergency or retirement fund while earning high dividends.

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