How to Apply CHED Thesis Grant Scholarship

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has established the CHED Thesis Grant Program to support research in higher education institutions and elevate schools to become institutions of higher learning.

Also Read: How to Apply CHED Scholarship for Medical Students (CGMS-SUCs)

This grant program is open to faculty members who are completing their master’s thesis work in any of the six clusters of disciplines: Science and Mathematics, Engineering, Maritime Studies, Architecture, Humanities, Social Science and Communication; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Health and Health Related Disciplines; or Information Technology.

In the event that you would like to apply for the CHED Thesis Grant, please check the guidelines mentioned below.

ched thesis grant scholarship

What is CHED Thesis Grant?

Support for the Thesis Grant Program is in consonance with Section 8 of RA 7722 or the “Higher Education Act of 1994 which mandates the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to enhance the function of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines.

The scholarship program is a part of the National Higher Education Research Agenda, which focuses on improving the research capability of higher education institutions and supporting research in prioritized areas. Through this grant program, CHED aims to provide financial support to faculty members who are in the process of completing their master’s thesis in specific fields.

Eligibility and Qualifications

The grant shall be open to nominees of HEIs in the Philippines that are offering programs in the disciplines applied for by the candidates who meet the following requirements:

  • Not more than 45 years of age.
  • Full-time regular faculty member of an HEI
  • Must have completed the coursework and passed the comprehensive examination in an accredited Level 2 Graduate Program or COE/COD
  • Must have an approved thesis proposal on the above-priority disciplines
  • Must have a general average of at least 1.75 or equivalent in the required courses leading to a master’s degree applied for.

Entitlement and Obligations

The CHED Thesis Grant has specific eligibility entitlement and obligations that interested applicants must meet. These include:

  • Amount of the grant shall not exceed P40,000.00 for the thesis without laboratory experiment and P60,000.00 for the thesis with a laboratory experiment.
  • 80% of the amount stated above will cover the conduct of research and 20% for the manuscript’s preparation and/or reproduction.
  • Releasing the amount must follow the following: 50% upon the grantee’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant and an approved Work and Financial Plan; 40% upon submission of the draft thesis duly attested by the grantee’s thesis adviser as ready for presentation and defense; 10% upon submission of the bound copy of approved dissertation with proper acknowledgment and an electronic file.
  • Grantees shall sign a Contract with the Commission.
  • Grantees shall assume all the expenses in excess of the grant.
  • Grantees shall render return service equivalent to one year in their respective mother institutions.
  • Grantees are allowed an extension of only one year beyond the original project deadline. Non-submission of the final thesis one year beyond the original deadline without an approved request by CHED or the mother institution for an extension will mean automatic reversion of the remaining balance of the grant to the CHED-Higher Education Development Fund (CHED-HEDF).
  • Grantees who are unable to finish their research during the approved period will be obliged to reimburse all expenses incurred by CHED in relation to the grant.
  • If requested by the Commission, the grantee shall present a paper based on the thesis in a colloquium.


To avail of the CHED Thesis Grant, applicants must prepare the following documents in two copies. These include:

  • Accomplished application form
  • The approved thesis proposal including a one-page abstract
  • Letter of Recommendation from the thesis adviser
  • Endorsement letter from the applicant’s mother institution
  • Photocopy of the enrollment or registration form

How to Process CHED Thesis Grant Scholarship

The be granted the CHED Thesis Grant, applicants must follow the following steps:

STEP 1: All applications shall be received by the Research Division – Office of Policy, Planning, Research, and Information (RD-OPPRI) of CHED before the start of each term in time for successful applicants to avail of the grant at the start of the next term. Application forms are available at the link here –

STEP 2:  Applicants shall submit two (2) copies of the requirements mentioned above.

STEP 3: The OPPRI-Research Division, with the assistance of a Technical Expert if deemed necessary, shall review the applications and thesis proposal to ensure the relevance and quality of the study.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions and answers about the CHED Thesis Grant.

1. What is the CHED Thesis Grant?

The CHED Thesis Grant is a financial assistance program offered by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to full-time regular faculty members of an HEI who are conducting thesis or dissertation research in selected disciplines.

2. Who is eligible to apply for the CHED Thesis Grant?

The following are eligible to apply for the CHED Thesis Grant:

  • Not more than 45 years of age.
  • Full-time regular faculty member of an HEI
  • Must have completed the coursework and passed the comprehensive examination in an accredited Level 2 Graduate Program or COE/COD
  • Must have an approved thesis proposal on the above priority disciplines
  • Must have a general average of at least 1.75 or equivalent in the required courses leading to a master’s degree applied for.

3. What are the requirements for the CHED Thesis Grant application?

To avail of the CHED Thesis Grant, applicants must prepare the following documents in two copies. These include:

  • Accomplished application form
  • The approved thesis proposal including a one-page abstract
  • Letter of Recommendation from the thesis adviser
  • Endorsement letter from the applicant’s mother institution
  •  Photocopy of the enrollment or registration form

4. How much is the grant amount for the CHED Thesis Grant?

The CHED Thesis Grant has the following financial breakdown:

  • Amount of the grant shall not exceed P40,000.00 for the thesis without laboratory experiment and P60,000.00 for the thesis with a laboratory experiment.
  • 80% of the amount stated above will cover the conduct of research and 20% for the preparation and/or reproduction of the manuscript.

5. How is the CHED Thesis Grant disbursed?

The CHED Thesis Grant is disbursed in three tranches: 50% upon the grantee’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of the grant and an approved Work and Financial Plan; 40% upon submission of the draft thesis duly attested by the grantee’s thesis adviser as ready for presentation and defense; 10% upon submission of the bound copy of approved dissertation with proper acknowledgment and an electronic file.


In conclusion, the CHED Thesis Grant is a great opportunity for full-time regular faculty members of an HEI to receive financial assistance while conducting thesis or dissertation research.

All applicants must submit two copies of the requirements mentioned above in order to be eligible and successful applications will have access to up to P60,000 in grant funds depending on their project. If you meet all the eligibility criteria and would like more information about how to apply for this scholarship, please visit the official website.

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