List of DepEd Programs, Projects and Activities

The different programs and projects initiated by the Department of Education (DepEd) aim to improve the quality of education in the country. The provision of these programs enhances the teaching-learning process to meet the challenges of the 21st century in terms of technological advancement, classroom provision, and the improvement as well as the development of other school physical facilities.

In an ever-changing world, it is more important that our nation’s youth are prepared to have enough knowledge and skills to solve problems, think critically, and make quick responsible decisions.

At this stage, the teaching and learning process will become easier as these different programs and projects are implemented by the Department. Because of the pandemic, there the Department came up with some realignment that aims to protect the health, safety, and well-being of learners through the establishment of learner support systems.

These programs will make it easier to provide psychosocial support, health, and safety precautions, as well as remediation and enhancement to all types of learners. These will be realized through the SPG and SSG’s leadership or assistance in the implementation of some recommended activities.

deped department of education programs and projects

Policy and Research Program (PRP)

The Policy and Research Program (PRP) aims to strengthen evidence-based decision-making through the oversight, promotion, and conduct of policy development, research, and sector monitoring and evaluation.

The Basic Education Research Fund (BERF), a funding mechanism for DepEd researchers managed at the regional level, is part of the Policy and Research Program. Personnel from the Department of Education may apply for this grant if they meet the qualifications outlined in the guidelines.

The Policy and Research Program will directly benefit decision-makers and policymakers, as well as their technical staff, by preparing them to develop, review, and analyze policies; manage, conduct, and use research; and conduct and use M&E. Setting up standards on policy development, research management, and sector M&E will also ensure the efficient implementation of various programs and policies of the Department. DepEd staff from the schools to the national office who are eligible for the grant would be the direct beneficiaries of BERF.

Basic Education Facilities (BEF)

Basic Education Buildings (BEF) is the yearly budget of the Department of Education for its School Building Program, which includes the renovation and upkeep of school facilities. It will be used to provide classrooms, workshop buildings, replace old, dilapidated buildings, provide furniture, repair, and rehabilitation of classrooms, including heritage buildings, as well as other purposes as well as water and sanitation facilities, as well as electrification.

Textbooks and Other Instructional Materials

This initiative intends to give public schools and learning centers quality text-based learning resources aligned with the K to 12 curriculum as major foundation or addition to teaching and learning processes.

DepEd Computerization Program

This initiative intends to improve the quality of education by equipping public schools with relevant technology that would enhance the teaching- learning process and address the challenges of the 21st century in terms of technological progress.

Additionally, the initiative should also supply New E-Classroom kits to each public elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school including the un-energized institutions. Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High School public schools, as well as ALS Mobile Teachers, will benefit from this program.

Learning Tools and Equipment-Science & Math Equipment (LTE-SME)

LTE-SME aims to provide complete packages of science and mathematics equipment to public schools and learning centers to address the lack of equipment and meet the requirements of the K-12 Curriculum. The recipient schools of this program were selected from the list of schools in Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBIES) (EBIES).

Furthermore, priority is given to non-recipient schools from the previous project, and the Bureau of Learning Resources in Cebu manages equipment replacement concerns. All contract packages are included in the project package. Contract packages, on the other hand, are the number of items to be delivered in schools.

Learning Tools and Equipment – Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Equipment (LTE-TVL)

LTE-TVL aims to provide schools with Technical-Vocational Packages that are specific to its specializations offered and compliant to the standards of the K to 12 Curriculum and the TESDA Training Regulations. According to Section 5 of the Act, DepEd is responsible for developing the design and specifics of the improved basic education curriculum.

DepEd will collaborate with CHED and TESDA to develop harmonized basic, tertiary, and technical-vocational education curricula that will enable Filipino graduates to compete both locally and globally.

The LTE-TVL program helps Public Senior High Schools with TVL specializations implement the K-12 curriculum by providing appropriate and necessary learning resources. This program’s recipients were chosen from a list of schools in the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBIES).

New School Personnel Positions

Given the rising enrolment levels in public schools across the country, this program is committed to ensuring an improved teacher-to-student ratio, improved learning, and reduced workload for its personnel. The beneficiaries of this program cover all public schools and learners, catering to their needs by ensuring the optimal proportion of teacher-learner ratio.

Inclusive Education Program

The K to 12 Basic Education Program’s guiding principle is inclusive education. This promotes the right of every Filipino to a basic education that is of high quality, equitable, culturally relevant, and comprehensive.

All Filipinos will realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to nation-building through inclusive education. The principle of inclusion promotes the institutional sensitivity and responsiveness nature, situation, and realities of our country’s learners and directs the Department to proactively address these through the curriculum and other interventions.

Multigrade Education Program

This program for multigrade schools aims to improve the teachers’ teaching competence and the learning performance of the pupils in multigrade schools where the enrolment does not warrant the organization of monograde classes.

Strengthening the implementation of the Multigrade Education Program in the Philippines is one of the viable mechanisms for increasing access to quality elementary education.

Special Education (SPED) Program

This Special Education Program aims to improve access and quality of SPED programs and services, as well as to increase the efficiency of education services directed towards all recognized SPED Centers for elementary and secondary schools with classes for learners with special needs.

Support funds are provided to the field through the program to ensure the inclusion of Learners with Special Educational Needs into the school system by providing adequate and appropriate support mechanisms and accommodations that cater to their unique conditions and needs.

Madrasah Education Program

The Madrasah Education Program seeks to provide appropriate and relevant educational opportunities for Muslim learners while acknowledging their cultural context and unique reasons for participating in the K to 12 Program offerings. This program also intends to incorporate relevant and interesting content and competencies into the curriculum for Muslim learners.

Indigenous People’s Education (IPEd) Program

The Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Program is the Department of Education’s response to Indigenous Peoples’ (IP) right to basic education that is responsive to their context, respects their identities, and promotes indigenous knowledge, skills, and other aspects of their cultural heritage.

The IPEd Program also supports the implementation of the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, which adheres to standards and principles that are inclusive, culturally sensitive, and flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize, and improve based on the educational and social context of the community.

Flexible Learning Options: Alternative Learning System (ALS)

A program aimed at providing an alternative path of learning for the Out-of-School Youth and Adult (OSYA) who are literate but have not completed 10 years of basic education as mandated by the Philippine Constitution. School dropouts will be able to complete elementary and secondary education outside the formal system.

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) Integrated Education and Skills Training Program changes the conventional ALS program by incorporating Technical-Vocational Training and other skills training.

The program will utilize existing DepEd expertise, particularly from remaining technical high schools and select Senior High Schools, and leverage partnerships with SUCs, LGUS, private sector, and CSOs, to provide the technical-vocational and other skills training components attuned to the demands and opportunities of the local community and the country.

Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)

ADM is a tried and tested alternative modality of education delivery within the confines of the formal system that allows schools to deliver quality education to marginalized students and those at risk of dropping out to help them overcome personal, social, and economic constraints in their schooling.

This program is also an instructional or learning modalities that do not strictly follow formal schooling. This is an alternative way of delivering and providing education to learners who are enrolled in school but for some reasons cannot attend the school regularly.

School-Based Feeding Program

This project aims to alleviate short-term hunger and undernutrition by giving hot meals to undernourished (severely squandered and wasted) Kinder-Grade 12 students throughout all divisions for 120 days.

According to Phil, the meal provided must meet one-third of the Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes (RENI) for children. Dietary Reference Intake (PDRI) (PDRI). The implementation of the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) aims to address hunger and encourage learners to enroll, to contribute to the improvement of their nutritional status, provide nourishment for their growth and development and help boost their immune system, and enhance and improve their health and nutrition values. Mandated likewise by RA 11037, in conjunction with other national government agencies, this is for the inclusion of fresh milk and fresh milk-based food items.

Government Assistance and Subsidies

This program aims to increase access to high-quality secondary education by providing financial assistance to deserving elementary school graduates who wish to continue their education in private schools.

This can be attained through the Education Service Contracting Program, Senior high School Voucher Program and the Joint Delivery Voucher for TVL students.

Education Human Resource Development

DepEd Order No. 21, Series of 2018, issued by the Department, aims to promote and support the professional development and career growth of personnel in schools and learning centers, as well as teaching personnel who perform managerial, supervisory, and administrative functions at the schools’ division (SDO), regional (RO), and central offices (CO).

The beneficiaries are the Teaching and Teaching-related Personnel and the School and Learning Centers’ Personnel. This program is dedicated to supporting human resource development and training programs.

Its specific goal is to make the department more responsive to the organizational needs and manpower requirements by developing appropriate skills and attitudes of its personnel.

The Brigada Eskwela

Brigada Eskwela is a comprehensive program aimed at improving access to and the quality of education. Comprising the physical which is a couple of weeks’ school maintenance and minor to medium repair for the re-opening of in-person classes.

It shows the country’s joint efforts from multiple partnership engagements, providing a safe learning environment for the learners, teaching and non-teaching employees, and community to attain safety while assuring the delivery of excellent education.

For the education quality facet, BE complemented through Brigada Eskwela Plus seeks to increase learner participation and reduce dropouts and improve education quality in participating schools to increase student performance. In addition, Brigada Pagbasa is an after-school reading remediation program in response to Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs Initiatives).


As you can see, DepEd has been doing a lot of efforts to ensure access to quality education for all students. From providing meals, government assistance and subsidies, human resource development initiatives and Brigada Eskwela programs, they are trying their best to build an environment where all students can thrive in school.

Moreover, DepEd is also continuously on the lookout for ways to improve its services so that everyone can get the best education possible. With these projects and initiatives in place, there is hope that the Philippines will be able to provide quality education for all its citizens soon. The goal of DepEd is to make sure that every student from elementary up until high school have access to quality education despite economic circumstances or any other factors hindering them from achieving it

In the fields of formal and non-formal basic education, the Department of Education (DepEd) develops, puts into effect, and coordinates policies, plans, programs, and initiatives.

It supervises all elementary and secondary education institutions, including alternative learning systems, both public and private; and provides for the establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education relevant to the goals of national development.

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