DSWD Adoption Program: Requirements and Process

The DSWD Adoption Program is an important program that helps children find homes and families. The program provides a number of services to both the children and the families who adopt them, including counseling, medical care, and financial assistance. The goal of the program is to ensure that every child has a safe and loving home.

Also Read: DSWD Foster Care Program Process and Requirements

Every year, there are thousands of children in the Philippines who are abandoned by their parents. These children often end up in orphanages or foster homes. However, there is another option for these children – adoption.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is the government agency responsible for overseeing adoptions in the Philippines. The agency works with both local and foreign adoptive families to find permanent homes for abandoned, neglected, or orphaned children.

dswd adoption process requirements

What is the DSWD Adoption Program?

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) adoption program helps provide families for children who have been abandoned, neglected, or orphaned. The program is overseen by the Bureau of Foster Care and Adoption, which works with social workers, attorneys, and other professionals to place children in permanent homes.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Adoption Program helps create families by finding homes for children who are orphaned, abandoned, or surrendered. The process begins when a child is placed in the care of DSWD. Families interested in adopting a child must undergo training, interviews, and home visits to ensure they are fit to provide a loving home for a child.

The adoption process can be lengthy and complex, but the end result is a loving family for a child in need. DSWD provides support and resources throughout the process to help ensure that it is as successful as possible.

Additionally, the agency offers post-adoption services to help families adjust to their new lives together. The DSWD adoption program has empowered countless children to find forever homes and build meaningful relationships with their adoptive families.

What Are The Benefits of DSWD Adoption Program

  • The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) offers a number of programs aimed at improving the lives of Filipino citizens, including the Adoption Program.
  • The Adoption Program provides a loving home for children who are orphaned, abandoned, or surrendered by their parents.
  • The program also offers support and financial assistance to families who adopt children with special needs.
  • In addition, the Adoption Program helps to match children with families who can provide them with a stable and loving home.
  • The program also provides support and guidance to adoptive families throughout the adoption process. As a result, the Adoption Program helps to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children in need.
  • Additionally, the program helps to connect children with families who can offer them love and support.

What are the Requirements For DSWD Adoption Program

  1. Decide if you want to adopt domestically or intercountry.
  2. Attend the mandatory seminar for prospective adoptive parents. This seminar will discuss topics such as the nature of adoption, your rights and responsibilities as an adoptive parent, and the children available for adoption.
  3. Register as an adoptive parent with the DSWD and submit all required documents, which include but are not limited to your birth certificate, marriage certificate (if married), NBI clearance, income tax return (ITR), bank statements, employment contract or certification of employment, etc.
  4. Once you have submitted all required documents, you will be interviewed by a social worker from the DSWD who will assess if you are fit to be an adoptive parent.
  5. After passing the assessment, you will be required to attend counseling sessions with a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.
  6. Once you have completed counseling, you will undergo home study visits from a social worker assigned by the DSWD.
  7. After passing all these requirements, you will be placed on a waiting list for adoptive parents until a child becomes available for placement with your family.
  8. Once LRT has been completed successfully, an Order of Adoption will be issued by the court which serves as your basis in securing other important documents for your children such as his/her Birth Certificate and Philippine passport. Congratulations! You are now an official family!

dswd adoption procedure guidelines

Candidates Who Are Foreign Nationals

  • Verification of the applicant’s or applicants’ legal capacity to adopt.
  • Certificate of Residence in the Philippines from the Bureau of Immigration or Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Two references from non-relatives who are familiar with the applicant/s in the country from which they are citizens or previously resided are required unless they have lived in the Philippines for more than 15 years.
  • Clearance from all residences with the police

Components Of DSWD Adoption Program

The Adoption Program seeks to provide every child a home and a family who will love and care for them. The program follows a thorough process to ensure that the child is placed in the best possible home.

Recruitment of prospective adoptive families who could give the child a home; Organization of groups of adoptive parents as a support system; Post-legal adoption counselling when the adoptive family and the adoptee require additional counselling regarding knowledge of the adoptee’s background and search for his or her biological parents.

The Adoption Program has the following components:

Recruitment Of Prospective Families

The first step in the Adoption Program is the recruitment of prospective adoptive families. The DSWD works with accredited adoption agencies to identify families who might be interested in providing a home for a child.

Preparation Of Potential Parents

Once a prospective family has been identified, the next step is to prepare them to become parents. The prospective parents will undergo training which will equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to care for a child.

Selection Of Family

After the prospective parents have undergone training, they will be interviewed by a panel. The panel will evaluate the prospective parents and select the family that will best support the child’s overall growth.

Getting Ready For Placement

Once the family has been selected, both the child and the family will undergo preparation for placement. This is to ensure that both parties are ready for the new relationship and that there is acceptance on both sides.

Supervision Of Temporary Custody

After placement, there will be supervision of temporary custody for at least six months. This is to aid the child’s integration into the family before adoption is finalized.

Completion Of Adoption

If all goes well, adoption will be completed and employment terminated. The updated birth certificate and final adoption decree will be issued at this time.

Video:  DSWD Adoption Help Desk, Binuksan Na

This video is all about the DSWD adoption program and how it can help children in need find a loving home. If you’re considering adoption, this video is a great place to start learning about the process and what to expect.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Long Is The Process Of Adoption In The Philippines?

The process of adoption in the Philippines takes approximately nine months. The first step is to submit an application to the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). Once the application is approved, the prospective adoptive parents will be matched with a child. The next step is to file a petition for adoption with the Philippine court.

The court will then conduct a home study to ensure that the prospective adoptive parents are suitable for adoption. If the home study is approved, the adoption will be finalized and the child will be legally adopted by the parents. The entire process can take up to nine months, but it may be shorter or longer depending on the individual circumstances.

2. How Much Does Adoption Cost In The Philippines?

Anyone who is interested in adoption in the Philippines should be aware of the associated costs. Filipino citizens can expect to pay a total of PhP2,000.00 for the process.


3. Can I Adopt My Niece In The Philippines?

children may be adopted through family or relative adoption, as well as by strangers. The decision to adopt a child is a very personal one, and there are many factors to consider before making the commitment.

4. Can My Husband Adopt My Child In The Philippines Without My Biological Father’s Consent?

In the Philippines, a husband cannot adopt his wife’s child without the biological father’s consent. This is because the biological father has legal rights and responsibilities over the child, including the right to provide for the child’s welfare and make decisions about the child’s upbringing.

5. How Many Children Can I Adopt In The Philippines?

There is no limit to the number of children you can adopt in the Philippines. However, the Philippine government only allows a certain number of children to be adopted each year. It is important to note that there are many children in need of homes, and not every family will be matched with a child.

6. What Is The Minimum Age requirement To Adopt A Child In The Philippines?

In order to adopt a child in the Philippines, you must be at least of legal age. This is to ensure that you are physically and emotionally capable of caring for a child.

7. What Is The Maximum Age requirement To Adopt A Child In The Philippines?

There is no maximum age requirement for adopting a child in the Philippines. However, adoptive parents must be able to provide for the child’s physical and emotional needs until the child reaches adulthood.

8. Are There Any Special Requirements For Married Couples Who Wish To Adopt In The Philippines?

In order to adopt a child in the Philippines, married couples must be legally married. This is to ensure that the couple is stable and able to provide for a child’s needs.

9. Are There Any Special Requirements For Single Parents Who Wish To Adopt In The Philippines?

Single parents are welcome to adopt a child in the Philippines. However, they must demonstrate that they are capable of providing for a child’s physical and emotional needs on their own.

dswd adoption process


If you are interested in DSWD Adoption Program and want to help a child have a better life, please visit their website or contact them through the number provided. You may also visit orphanages near you and ask how you can help.

By showing love and care to these children, we hope that they will feel loved and be more confident individuals when they grow up.

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