DSWD Early Childhood Care and Development Information System (ECCD-IS)

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is responsible for the care and development of children in the Philippines. To provide better care and services, the department developed the Early Childhood Care and Development Information System (ECCD-IS).

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The ECCD-IS is a centralized database that contains information on all of the children receiving services from the department. The system enables staff to track the progress of each child and ensure that they are receiving the best possible care. In addition, the system helps to identify areas where improvements can be made.

The following post will provide a detailed overview of the ECCD-IS, including its features, benefits, and how it can be used to improve early childhood care and development in the Philippines.

DSWD early childhood care and development information system

What Is The ECCD-IS?

Republic Act 10410, also known as the Early Years Act of 2013, established the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council as the major organization supporting the government’s ECCD initiatives, which include health, nutrition, early education, and social services for kids aged 0 to 4.

The system enables staff to track the progress of each child and ensure that they are receiving the best possible care. In addition, the system helps to identify areas where improvements can be made.

It is accountable for creating policies and plans, giving technical support and guidance to ECCD service providers, and keeping track of the advantages and results of ECCD services.

The information contained in the database includes:

  • Basic information on all children enrolled in the program, such as name, address, date of birth, etc.
  • Information on all services received by children enrolled in the program, such as immunizations, health checkups, developmental screenings, etc.
  • Information on all caregivers enrolled in the program, such as name, address, contact information, etc.
  • Information on all DSWD personnel involved in the program, such as name, position, contact information, etc.

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Benefits Of DSWD ECCD-IS (Early Childhood Care And Development Information System)

The benefits of using the DSWD ECCD-IS:

1) Helps ensure consistency and standardization across LGUs

2) Provides data that can be used for assessment and decision making

3) Can help LGUs efficiently use their limited resources

4) Serves as a repository for best practices

5) Facilitates collaboration between LGUs and other stakeholders

Two Main Programs Of The Department Of Social Welfare And Development’s Early Childhood Care And Development Information System

DSWD ECCD has two main programs: the Early Childhood Education Program (ECEP) and the Leading and Managing an Integrated ECCD Program (LMIEP).

Both programs have the same goal, which is to improve the quality of early childhood care and development in the Philippines. However, they differ in terms of their approach. The ECEP focuses on providing quality education to young children, while the LMIEP focuses on integrating different early childhood development services.

The Early Childhood Education Program (ECEP)

The ECEP is a four-year program that provides quality education to young children aged 3-5 years old. It is implemented in partnership with local government units, private schools, and non-governmental organizations.

The program has four components:

1. Teacher training

2. Curriculum development

3. Classroom management

4. Parental involvement

These four components work together to provide quality education to young children.

Teacher Training: Trained teachers are necessary to implement the ECEP curriculum effectively. The program provides teacher training courses that cover topics such as child development, teaching methods, and assessment.

Curriculum Development: The ECEP curriculum is designed to promote social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development in young children. It also aims to prepare them for school and life outside the home.

Classroom Management: Classroom management strategies are important for ensuring that the ECEP curriculum is implemented effectively. These strategies include creating a positive learning environment, using age-appropriate teaching methods, and maintaining discipline in the classroom.

Parents Involvement: parental involvement is crucial for the success of the ECEP. Parents play an important role in supporting their child’s learning at home and in providing feedback to teachers about their child’s progress in school.

The Leading And Managing An Integrated ECCD Program (LMIEP)

The LMIEP is a five-year program that aims to improve the quality of early childhood care and development by integrating different services such as health, nutrition, psycho-social support, protection, education, and family welfare services.

It is implemented in partnership with local government units, non-governmental organizations, agencies involved in early childhood care and development services, private sector groups, universities/ colleges/ training institutions, civil society organizations, media groups/networks, faith-based organizations/ communities/ People’s Organizations (POs), among others.

The program has four components: policy advocacy; institutional capacity building; multi-sectoral coordination; community organizing/mobilization; These four components work together to improve the quality of early childhood care and development services in the Philippines.

  • The Policy Advocacy component works to generate support for policies that will improve early childhood care and development services in the country. This is done through policy research, dialogues with policymakers, and media campaigns, among others.
  • The Institutional Capacity Building component seeks to build the capacities of institutions involved in early childhood care and development services. This includes training for personnel, developing manuals/toolkits, and establishing monitoring & evaluation systems, among others.
  • Multi-sectoral Coordination component ensures coordination & collaboration between different sectors involved in early childhood care & development services. This includes inter-agency agreements, joint planning & implementation of activities, resource sharing, etc.
  • The community Organizing / Mobilization component strengthens community-based organizations so they can effectively advocate for & deliver early childhood care & development services. This includes community mapping exercises, formation/leadership training, community action plans, etc.”

It should be noted that both programs are not mutually exclusive; they can be implemented together to create a more holistic approach to improving early childhood care & development services in the Philippines.”

How Early Childhood Care And Development System Is Implemented

  • Giving money to underprivileged and destitute communities so they can start and grow public ECCD programs, upgrade their physical facilities, and hire ECCD service providers.
  • Encouraging and promoting private sector efforts to create ECCD programs
  • Establishing regulations and procedures for ECCD programs.
  • ECCD programs should have standards established that reflect developmentally appropriate approaches.
  • To enhance and professionalize the ECCD sector and raise the bar for the quality of public and private ECCD programs, a nationwide system for the hiring, registration, accreditation, continuing education, and credentialing of ECCD service providers, supervisors, and administrators is being developed.
  • Creating a nationwide program for ECCD program implementers and service providers to receive awards and recognition.
  • Tracking the provision of services to ECCD program users around the country. utilizing a strong information system to evaluate and assess the results of numerous ECCD projects across the country.
  • Creating a nationwide system for the early detection, screening, and monitoring of young children from birth to age four.
  • Developing various support systems that make the most of available public and private funding for ECCD programs, with a focus on the most vulnerable and at-risk children in underprivileged areas.
  • Promoting, supporting, and coordinating the many ECCD programs run by the National Nutrition Council, the Department of Health, the Department of Social Welfare and Development, and the Department of Education.

Video: ECCD Checklist/ Manual

This video is all about the Early Childhood Checklist/ Manual. It is a great resource for anyone working with young children, whether you are a teacher, parent, or caregiver. The checklist can help you make sure that your child is getting the best possible start in life.



With the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) Early Childhood Care and Development Information System or ECCD-IS, various agencies are now able to track a child’s development from birth up to age 5. This tracking system will not only help in identifying which children need additional support but will also contribute to the creation of more targeted interventions for them.

In the long run, ECCD-IS is expected to reduce inequality among Filipino children by providing those who are at risk with the necessary care and assistance they need to thrive.

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