DSWD Gender and Development Program

The promotion of the health and well-being of Filipino families and children falls under the purview of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). One of the ways in which they accomplish this goal is through a program that they call Gender and Development (GAD). This initiative aspires to realize gender parity by enhancing the agency of women and girls and advocating for the protection of their fundamental rights.

Also Read: DSWD Haven for Women and Children

In this article, we will talk about some of the most important components of the DSWD GAD program, including its history, its objectives, and its many techniques. In addition, we will investigate how it has assisted in improving Filipino lives.

dswd gender and development program

What Is DSWD Gender and Development?

The DSWD Comprehensive Sector Plans are an initiative that the DSWD has committed to in its Strategic Plan for 2018–2022. To guarantee that all sectoral concerns are being handled from a human rights-based approach (HRBA), the Department will use the Comprehensive Sector Plans as strategic documents.

These insights allow the Department, in its role as Chair of the Regional Inter-Agency Committee of Sectors (which includes committees like the Regional Inter-Agency Committee Against Trafficking—Violence Against Women and Children—Against Child Pornography and the Regional Inter-Agency Council on the Welfare of Children and Persons with Disability), to speed up the realization of people’s fundamental rights toward empowerment across sectors.

The Department approved the DSWD GAD Agenda 2020-2025 in December 2020. This is the department’s strategy and goal for attaining gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as for integrating gender perspectives throughout the department’s operations.

The results and goals in the Magna Carta of Women and other women on gender-related laws relevant to the department’s mandates, including undertakings on women, peace, and security, served as a guide for the development of the DSWD GAD Agenda. It places an emphasis on several aspects of resiliency, security, and peace, taking into account migration, conflict, the recurrence of disasters, and climate change.

Benefits of DSWD Gender and Development

The DSWD’s Gender and Development (GAD) program aims to promote equal participation and representation of all genders in all aspects of society. But what exactly are the benefits of this program?

  • lt addresses issues like prejudice, stereotyping, and unequal power relations between men and women in an effort to advance the cause of gender equality.
  • Access to education and other resources, chances for economic empowerment, and support for victims of abuse are some of the areas that the initiative intends to focus on as it strives to identify and address the needs and issues that are unique to women.
  • It also strives to create a society that recognizes the value of variety and respects the rights as well as the one-of-a-kind experiences of marginalized groups such as persons who identify as LGBTQ+.
  • The program encourages healthy family connections by highlighting the importance of open lines of communication, mutual respect, and group effort within households.
  • Encourages the development of an inclusive society in which all persons are afforded equal chances to realize their full potential and are treated with dignity at all times.

Qualifications and Requirements

The DSWD’s Gender and Development program offer support for individuals and communities to address gender-related issues and promote gender equality.

To be eligible for the program’s services, individuals must be low-income or marginalized by gender discrimination. This includes women, transgender individuals, the LGBTQ+ community, and those with disabilities.


Would you be interested in participating in the Gender and Development Program that is offered by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)?

To begin, you will need to determine whether or whether your town or neighborhood has a DSWD Field Office. Your participation in the program will be contingent on your submitting your application for enrollment in this program here.

After that, you need to make sure that your application contains all of the required documentation, such as proof of income and address. After you have provided the DSWD with your application, they will examine it to determine whether or not you are qualified to participate in the program.

After that, to be considered for enrollment in the program, you could be required to first participate in a series of seminars or workshops centered on issues of gender and development. It is essential to take into consideration the possibility that the availability of the program will differ from one place and funding source to another. In spite of this, don’t be afraid to get in touch with the DSWD Field Office in your area if you want more information on how you may take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

Video: Filipina Testimonial on GAD Project

Video: Filipina Testimonial on GAD Project

Here’s a video of a Filipina from Negros Oriental where she shares her lifestory on how she became a Gender and Development Advocate. She was able to break free from her abusive relationship and become an empowered woman. She talks about how the GAD project in her district was able to help her and many other women like her to become more confident, independent and vocal.

It is a great example of how an organization’s efforts towards gender equality can truly make an impact on the ground level. Watch on for her inspiring story!

Video: Engaging Men and Boys in the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Here’s a video from DSWD’s GAD Corner about Engaging Men and Boys in the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence. This video is originally from Care International’s Gender Justice initiative and discusses how males may help end violence against women and girls.

According to the video, nobody should be surprised to learn that people of both sexes and of different socioeconomic situations are susceptible to gender-based violence. The reality is that preventing and addressing gender-based violence requires everyone, including men and boys, even though it is generally perceived as a women’s issue.

By challenging toxic gender roles and advocating for healthy masculinity, men and boys can help make their communities better places for everyone. Furthermore, this article emphasizes the need for male and male-identified voices to be included in the conversation about ending violence against women and girls, rather than viewing this problem as solely one for women to address.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How GAD Is Implemented?

To put GAD into action, the DSWD creates and manages projects, activities, and budgets that take gender equality into account at every stage. Collaboration between government entities, CSOs, communities, and other interested parties is essential for the development of new resources and the refinement of existing ones. GAD also provides government staff with gender-sensitive capacity building.

2. How Does The GAD Program Differ From Women’s Empowerment Programs?

The GAD program takes into consideration the distinct roles that women and men play in society as well as their unique experiences while analyzing various aspects of development concerns. Instead of concentrating just on enhancing women’s agency, this approach seeks to address issues that are of relevance to men and women alike.

3. Are Women The Only Ones Who Can Benefit From GAD Programs?

The answer is no; despite the fact that the primary focus may be on eliminating the inequities that exist between women and men, GAD is ultimately committed to achieving equality in all facets of development. As long as they fulfill the requirements, both women and men have equal access to the resources that are made available by the initiatives that are sponsored by the GAD.

4. How Someone Can Get Involved With GAD Initiatives In Their Community?

One approach is to search for chances to participate in GAD committees at the local level. These committees often include representatives from a variety of sectors, including government agencies, non-government organizations, the commercial sector, and people’s organizations, among others.

These committees analyze pertinent topics that are occurring within their community and plan out GAD activities or initiatives that are intended to address these concerns. Individuals also have the option of supporting GAD activities by contributing financially or devoting their time to organizations whose primary mission is to advance gender equality.

Individually and collectively, there are a variety of methods in which one can participate in the GAD program to make a contribution toward the goal of establishing gender equality.

5. How Does The Program Measure Its Impact?

Another question that is commonly raised is how the program evaluates the results of its work. This is accomplished through the conduct of routine reviews and analyses of data, as well as through the collection of input from beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

The overarching objective is to make sure that the efforts of the program in the Philippines lead to genuine and long-lasting change for women and other genders who are marginalized.


The Gender and Development Program of DSWD aims, as a whole, to create a more equitable society via the use of its multifaceted approach.

This society will be one in which every individual, regardless of their gender, will be able to completely realize their potential.

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