DSWD Recovery and Reintegration Program for Trafficked Persons

Human trafficking is a problem because it violates the rights of individuals, denies them their freedom, and exploits them for financial gain. It is a global problem that affects every country in the world. In the Philippines, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has a program to help trafficking victims recover and re-integrate into society.

The DSWD Recovery and Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons provides temporary shelter, counseling, and legal assistance to trafficking victims. The program also offers skills training and job placement services to help trafficking victims find employment. The DSWD Recovery and Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons is a free service that is available to all Filipino citizens who have been trafficked.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is the Philippines’ primary agency tasked with protecting the rights of Filipino citizens, especially those who are vulnerable and marginalized. One of the programs under the DSWD is the Recovery and Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons.

The aim of this program is to provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims so they can physically and psychologically recover from their ordeal and re-integrate back into society.

dswd recovery and reintegration human trafficked persons

What is the Recovery And Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons?

The program offers a wide range of services that are available to all trafficking victims regardless of age, gender, or nationality. These services include medical assistance, counseling, legal assistance, skills training, and job placement assistance. The DSWD also provides temporary shelter to victims who do not have a safe place to stay.

The program initially started as a pilot in three regions of the country but has since been expanded nationwide. To date, the DSWD has assisted more than 1,000 trafficking victims through this program.

The program has three main components: victim assistance, prevention, and capacity building.

Victim Assistance

The goal of victim assistance is to provide care and support to trafficking victims so that they can heal physically, mentally, and emotionally from their ordeal. This care includes medical care, psychological counseling, legal assistance, and social support. The ultimate goal of victim assistance is to help trafficking victims rebuild their lives and regain their independence.


The prevention component of the program focuses on raising awareness about human trafficking so that people can be more informed about the issue and be better equipped to prevent themselves or others from becoming victims. Prevention activities include public awareness campaigns, training programs for government officials, community outreach initiatives, etc.

Capacity Building

The capacity building component of the program focuses on strengthening the institutions that are working to combat human trafficking. This includes law enforcement agencies, social service providers, etc. Capacity-building activities include training programs, workshops, research initiatives, etc.

Benefits Of Recovery And Re-integration Program For Trafficked Persons

The DSWD Recovery and Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons offers many different services that help trafficked persons recover from their ordeal and re-integrate into society.

Some of the services offered by the program include rescue and repatriation, counselling and psycho-social support, skills training and livelihood assistance, and legal services.

Rescue and Repatriation: The program offers rescue operations for victims of trafficking who are being held against their will. Once victims are rescued, they are given shelter and provided with basic needs such as food, clothing, and medical care. They are also given assistance with travel arrangements so they can be reunited with their families.

Counselling and Psycho-social Support: Victims of human trafficking often suffer from psychological trauma. The DSWD Recovery and Re-integration Program offers counselling and psycho-social support to help trafficking victims heal emotionally and mentally. Victims are also given livelihood assistance so they can build new lives for themselves.

Skills Training and Livelihood Assistance: The program offers skills training to help trafficked persons find gainful employment. Victims are also given livelihood assistance so they can start their own businesses. The goal is to help trafficked persons become financially independent so they can support themselves and their families.

Legal Services: The program provides legal services to help trafficking victims seek justice against their traffickers. Victims are also given assistance with filing for compensation from the government.

Who Is Eligible For Recovery And Re-integration Program For Trafficked Persons?

According to the DSWD, the following individuals are eligible for the Recovery and Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons:

  • Victims of trafficking as defined in Republic Act No. 9208 or the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003.
  • Victims who have been trafficked within the Philippines or abroad.
  • Victims who are currently residing in the Philippines or have been repatriated to the Philippines.
  • Minors who have been trafficked and are in need of rehabilitative services.
  • Adults who have been trafficked are willing to participate in the program.
  • Elderly persons who have been trafficked are in need of protective services.
  • Male or female victims of trafficking with disabilities who are in need of special protection services.
  • Foreign nationals who have been victims of trafficking in the Philippines are also eligible for the program.

To be eligible for the program, victims must be willing to cooperate with law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of traffickers, as well as participate in the program’s rehabilitation activities.

What Are The Requirements For Recovery And Re-integration Program For Trafficked Persons?

To avail of the program, victims must first submit the necessary documentary requirements, which include a passport or other valid ID, a birth certificate (for minors), a certificate of indigency or barangay clearance, and a referral letter (if available).

The DSWD will also provide other necessary travel documents for victims who are from abroad. Once the requirements have been submitted, the victim will then undergo a medical examination to assess their physical and psychological condition.

Afterward, the victim will be provided with the appropriate form of assistance depending on their needs. The program is open to all victims of trafficking regardless of nationality, religion, or gender.

What Is The Procedure For Recovery And Re-integration Program For Trafficked Persons?

To apply for the RRPTP, victim-survivors can approach a DSWD Field Office I or any NGO or agency that provides assistance to trafficking victims. Victim-survivors will be assessed based on their needs, and will be provided with the appropriate services based on the assessment.

The RRPTP is a confidential program, and victim-survivors can rest assured that their privacy will be respected throughout the duration of the program. With the help of the RRPTP, victim-survivors can start to rebuild their lives and move towards a better future.

Video: DSWD Recovery and Reintegration Program for Trafficked Persons

In this video you will learn about the DSWD Recovery and Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons. The program provides assistance to trafficking survivors, including psycho-social intervention, reintegration services, and livelihood support.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Resources Are Available To Address Post Trafficking Victims?

There are many resources available to help post-trafficking victims. One of the most important is support from family, friends, and the community. This can provide a sense of safety and belonging and can help victims begin to rebuild their lives. Other forms of support include legal assistance, counseling, and financial assistance.

These resources can help victims get back on their feet and start rebuilding their lives. Additionally, there are many organizations that work to help trafficking victims. These organizations can provide information, support, and referrals to other resources.

Some of these organizations include the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, Polaris Project, and Online Resources to Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.

2. What Are The 3 Types Of Human Trafficking?

Though often thought of as a problem that only occurs in developing countries, human trafficking is actually a global issue. There are three main types of human trafficking: sexual exploitation, forced labor, and organ trafficking. Sexual exploitation, which includes prostitution and sex trafficking, is the most common form of human trafficking.

3. How Do I Report Human Trafficking In The Philippines?

Online reporting is possible by email, the official website, social media sites, mobile applications, and by dialing 1343 and the foreign hotlines.

4. What services are offered as part of the DSWD Recovery And Re-integration Program For Trafficked Persons?

Services offered as part of the program include psycho-social intervention, reintegration services, livelihood support, and many others.

5. Who is eligible to apply for the DSWD Recovery And Re-integration Program For Trafficked Persons?

Victims of trafficking who are Filipino citizens are eligible to apply for the program. Foreign nationals who have been victims of trafficking in the Philippines are also eligible for assistance.

6. How can I apply for the DSWD Recovery And Re-integration Program For Trafficked Persons?

You can apply for the program by approaching a DSWD Field Office I or any NGO or agency that provides assistance to trafficking victims.


The DSWD Recovery and Re-integration Program for Trafficked Persons is a comprehensive program that provides a wide range of services to trafficking victims. The goal of the program is to re-integrate trafficked persons into society and help them lead productive lives.

The program is open to all Filipino citizens who have been victims of trafficking. Foreign nationals who have been victims of trafficking in the Philippines are also eligible for the program. Interested individuals may approach the DSWD Field Office in their area or submit an application online at https://www.dswd.gov.ph

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