Pag-IBIG Regular Savings: Benefits, Dividend Rates & How to Apply

Filipinos are known for being hard-working and multitaskers, making them in demand in the labor force, whether local or abroad. That’s why the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) launched the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings to ensure Filipinos can enjoy their hard-earned money. By investing in the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings, members can secure their future and avail of other programs to help with their financial needs. But how can you apply for this program, and what are its benefits? Read on as we share our in-depth guide on the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings program.

One of the primary programs of the HDMF is the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings, where members’ monthly contributions go. It aims to help its members save to purchase their dream home. Moreover, members can use their savings for immediate financial needs, from medical expenses, home improvements, and car repair to business capital, tuition fees, and utility bills. Therefore, Filipinos who invest in the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings can purchase affordable housing and have funds for emergency needs.

pag-ibig regular savings account

What is Pag-IBIG Regular Savings

The Pag-IBIG Regular Savings is a safe and convenient savings facility with high annual dividend earnings to help Filipinos ensure their future. This program is government-guaranteed, where the monthly savings or contributions of Pag-IBIG members go. Under the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings, members can save a monthly contribution for as low as P100 and withdraw after 20 years of maturity or based on reasonable grounds.

But unlike the optional MP2 (Modified Pag-IBIG II) Savings, this program is mandatory for formally employed members, where employers also share in their monthly contributions. If a member saves P100 monthly, the employer should match the contribution amount. Thus, the total monthly contribution would be P200, instantly doubling the savings of formally employed members. Meanwhile, members can save more than P100 per month to increase their savings and earn more dividends.


In addition, members who contribute to the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Government-guaranteed – This savings program is safe and can be withdrawn by members when needed.
  • Dividend earnings – Members will earn annual dividends based on Pag-IBIG Fund revenue from investments, housing loans, and other income-generating programs.
  • Accumulate savings – By contributing to this program, members will earn interest, allowing them to grow their savings for future use.
  • Housing Loan – Members with at least 24 monthly contributions in their Pag-IBIG Regular Savings account can apply for a housing loan. It helps members buy real estate, such as a house-and-lot, townhouse, or condominium unit.
  • Short-Term Loan (STL) – Members can apply for Pag-IBIG STL programs for immediate financial needs, like medical, education, vacation, minor home repair, and car repair expenses.

Dividend Rates

As mandated by its Charter, the Pag-IBIG Fund invests at least 70% of its investible funds in income-generating activities, such as corporate bonds, housing finance, and government securities. Once earning, they use it to help Filipinos grow their savings. The Pag-IBIG Fund allocates at least 70% of its annual net income and proportionately distributes it to members as dividends in their Pag-IBIG Savings account. Therefore, members who save more will earn higher dividends.

In 2021, the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings collected a 5.5% dividend rare despite the economic challenges brought by the pandemic. Since 2011, the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings earned the following dividend rates:

  • Year 2011 – 4.13%
  • 2012 – 4.17%
  • 2013 – 4.08%
  • 2014 – 4.19%
  • 2015 – 4.84%
  • 2016 – 6.93%
  • 2017 – 7.61%
  • 2018 – 6.91%
  • 2019 – 6.73%
  • 2020- 5.62%
  • 2021- 5.50%
  • 2022 – 6.53%


Filipinos in the Philippines working for an employer registered under the Pag-IBIG Fund should mandatorily contribute to the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings. The member’s monthly contributions are from their salary, and their employer should match the amount they contribute. Aside from that, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), self-employed individuals, and freelancers can contribute to the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings program to ensure their future. They can register online or at the nearest Pag-IBIG Fund branch office to start saving.

How to Apply for Pag-IBIG Regular Savings

To apply for Pag-IBIG Regular Savings, follow the steps below:

For Self-Employed/Unemployed/Voluntary

  1. Visit the Pag-IBIG Fund Online Services or Virtual Pag-IBIG online portal through this link:
  2. Click Membership Registration.
  3. Under the Online Membership Registration, provide the following details:
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Middle Name (if applicable)
  • Date of Birth


  1. Enter the Captcha code.
  2. Review the details you enter before you click the Submit button.
  3. Fill out the required fields on the Online Membership Registration Form, including the following:
  • Member Info
  • Other Info
  • Address
  • Contacts
  • Heirs
  • Member Category
  • Employment History
  • Summary


  1. Double-check the details you’ve provided and click the Submit Registration button.
  2. Copy your Registration Tracking Number (RTN) on the Successful Registration Page.


  1. Then, wait for two (2) working days and verify your Pag-IBIG ID number by visiting the Virtual Pag-IBIG via this link:

For Formally-Employed Workers (Mandatory)

On the other hand, the Pag-IBIG Fund Regular Savings is mandatory for Filipinos working in the Philippines, both private and government employees. It means the monthly contributions of members came from their salary. The same goes for job order personnel. Furthermore, the monthly contribution is mandatory for OFWs, professionals, business owners, and other earning groups (individuals or organizations).


When can I withdraw my Pag-IBIG Regular Savings?

Members can check their Pag-IBIG Regular Savings online and the annual dividends earned through the Virtual Pag-IBIG online platform. They can also withdraw their Pag-IBIG Regular Savings based on the following grounds:

  • After a 20-year membership maturity period, which is equal to 240 monthly contributions
  • Optional retirement at the age of 60
  • Mandatory retirement at the age of 65
  • Private employer’s provident/retirement plan, given the member, is at least 45 years old at the moment of retirement.
  • Optional withdrawal for members with at least 180 continual monthly contributions without any gap
  • Separation from service due to health reasons
  • Permanent departure from the country
  • Permanent Total Disability (PTD) or insanity
  • Members or any of their immediate family members with critical illness verified by a licensed physician.
  • Death of a Pag-IBIG member – the legal heirs of deceased members will receive their total Pag-IBIG Regular Savings with additional cash benefit not exceeding P6,000


In summary, the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings will benefit Filipinos, allowing them to save and secure their future. This program can help Filipinos purchase their dream home by facilitating house loans. Apart from that, members can grow their savings by earning competitive dividends per annum. Members can also utilize their savings for emergency needs. Thus, Filipinos are encouraged to invest in the Pag-IBIG Regular Savings program to protect their future and families.

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