The Department of Education (DepEd) is the government agency responsible for the management and governance of the Philippine Basic Education System. It is in charge of both the elementary and secondary school systems and provides students and young adults with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to grow into compassionate, self-sufficient, productive, and patriotic citizens.
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The Department of Education is composed of the Central Office, which is located in Pasig City, and the field offices, which are located in all regions of the country. The Central Office is responsible for the formulation and issuance of policies, guidelines, and regulations related to education; planning and budgeting; monitoring and evaluation; research and information management; and administrative support services. The field offices are responsible for implementing DepEd policies and programs at the grassroots level.
The DepEd’s mission is to provide quality basic education that is accessible to all Filipinos and to prepare them for lifelong learning and productive citizenship. Its vision is to produce globally competitive Filipino citizens through a quality basic education that develops their full potential leading to self-reliance and
- Overview
- What is DepEd?
- What are the Benefits?
- Vision
- Mission
- Core Values
- DepEd Mandate
- Programs and Services
- Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
- Alternative Learning System (ALS)
- Alternative Learning System-Education Skills and Training (ALS-EST)
- Computerization Program
- Department’s School Building Program
- Government Assistance and Subsidies
- Indigenous People’s Education Program (IPEd)
- Madrasah Education Program
- Multigrade Education Program
- New School Personnel Positions
- Human Resource Training Development (HRTD)
- HRTD for Organizational and Professional Development for Non-School Personnel (OPDNSP)
- HRTD for School and Learning Center Personnel
- Program on Policy and Research
- School-Based Feeding Program
- Science & Math Equipment (LTE-SME)
- Special Education Program (SPED)
- Technical and vocational tools (TLE)
- Textbooks and Other Educational Materials
- List of DepEd Offices in the Philippines
- DepEd Region 1
- DepEd Region 2
- DepEd Region 3
- DepEd Region 4
- DepEd Region 5
- DepEd Region 6
- DepEd Region 7
- DepEd Region 8
- DepEd Region 9
- DepEd Region 10
- DepEd Region 11
- DepEd Region 12
- DepEd Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
- DepEd National Capital Region (NCR)
- DepEd Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
- Video: How to Apply for SHS Voucher Program by DepEd
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 1. What is DepEd?
- 2. Can I go directly to DepEd?
- 3. What is the purpose of DepEd?
- 4. Is it possible for OFWs to apply for SHS Voucher Program?
- 5. What exactly is the K-12 Program?
- 6. What guarantee would there be that K-12 graduates will find work?
- 7. Why are we now implementing a Basic Education of 12 Years?
- 8. How will the K-12 Program help working college students?
- Summary
- Contact Information
- Google Map Location
From pre-Spanish periods to the present, education in the Philippines has gone through numerous eras of growth. Education serves as the focus of the leadership’s emphases/priorities in answering the requirements of society at various times/epochs in our race’s national struggle.
Executive Order No. 117 established the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports (DECS) in 1987. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) were founded in 1994 to oversee tertiary degree programs and non-degree technical-vocational programs, respectively. The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, also known as Republic Act 9155, changed the name of the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports from DECS to DepEd.
What is DepEd?
The Department of Education (DepEd) is the Philippine government’s executive department in charge of assuring basic education access, promoting equity, and increasing quality. It is the major agency in charge of managing and governing the Philippine basic education system. It is the primary creator of Philippine education policy and oversees the country’s elementary and secondary education systems.
What are the Benefits?
DepEd equips students and young adults with the skills, information, and values they need to become caring, self-sufficient, productive, and patriotic citizens.
The following is the DepEd vision statement:
We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.
As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.
The DepEd mission statement for the coming years is as follows:
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education where:
- Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating environment.
- Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
- Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen.
- Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners.
Core Values
The following is the DepEd Core Values statement:
- Maka-Diyos
- Maka-tao
- Makakalikasan
- Makabansa

DepEd Mandate
The Superior Commission of Primary Instruction was formed as the Department of Education by the Education Decree of 1863. In the 20th century, the Education Department underwent numerous reorganization initiatives in order to better define its mission in light of shifting governments and charters. The current Department of Education was established by Republic Act 9155, also known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, which established the agency’s mandate.
In the fields of formal and non-formal basic education, the Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs, and initiatives. It oversees all public and private elementary and secondary education institutions, including alternative learning systems, and ensures the formation and maintenance of a comprehensive, adequate, and integrated basic education system that contributes to national development goals.
Programs and Services
DepEd provides education programs and services to all Filipinos, both those who live in the Philippines and those who live overseas.
Only a small percentage of the population is aware of the DepEd’s programs and services. Take a look at this comprehensive list of programs and services available to all Filipinos for better guidance.
Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
ADM is a tried and true alternative mode of education delivery within the formal system that allows schools to provide quality education to marginalized students and those on the verge of dropping out in order to help them overcome personal, social, and economic constraints in their schooling.
Alternative Learning System (ALS)
The Alternate Learning System (ALS) is a program that aims to provide an alternative path of learning for out-of-school kids and adults who are literate but have not finished the 10 years of basic education required by the Philippine Constitution. School dropouts will be able to continue their primary and secondary education outside of the formal system through this initiative.
Alternative Learning System-Education Skills and Training (ALS-EST)
ALS-EST: The Alternative Learning System (ALS) Integrated Education and Skills Training Program adds technical-vocational training and other skills training to the traditional ALS program. The program will draw on existing DepEd expertise, particularly from remaining technical high schools and select Senior High Schools, as well as partnerships with SUCs, LGUS, the private sector, and CSOs to deliver technical-vocational and other skills training components that are tailored to the needs and opportunities of the local community and the country.
The ALS Integrated Education and Skills Training Program seek to develop ALS graduates who are not only able to catch up on basic academic education but also have technical skills that may be used right away. As a result, this program will be able to assist the state in fulfilling its commitment to offer basic education while also addressing the issue of a large number of out-of-school and unemployed youth.
Computerization Program
This program intends to increase educational quality by equipping public schools with appropriate technologies to enhance the teaching-learning process and face the technological challenges of the twenty-first century. In addition, the program will supply New E-Classroom packages to all public elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, including those that are not yet powered.
Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High School, Senior High School public schools, and ALS Mobile Teachers will benefit from this program.
Department’s School Building Program
The Department’s School Building Program is funded by the Basic Education Facilities Fund (BEFF), which covers the improvement and maintenance of school facilities. It will be used to create schools, workshops, replace dilapidated structures, provide furniture, repair and renovate classrooms, as well as provide water and sanitary facilities and electrification.
The public elementary and secondary schools with classroom needs will be the beneficiaries.
Government Assistance and Subsidies
This program aims to provide access to high-quality secondary education by providing financial help to worthy elementary school graduates who wish to continue their study in private schools. This can be accomplished by:
1. The Education Service Contracting Program (ESC) strives to democratize and expand access to high-quality studies by providing financial help (in the form of a tuition subsidy) to qualified elementary school graduates who choose to continue their education at a private school.
2. The Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) is a mechanism for providing financial assistance to senior high school students who enroll in non-Department of Education (DepEd) schools that offer SHS, such as private JHSs, private higher education institutions (HEIs), state and local colleges and universities (SUCs and LUCs), and technical-vocational institutions (TVIs).
3. The Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) would improve TVL learning by letting SHS students enrolled in public schools to use vouchers to enroll in qualifying partner institutions, such as private or non-DepEd public SHSs, as well as TVIs, that provide the specializations they choose.
Indigenous People’s Education Program (IPEd)
The Indigenous Peoples’ Education (IPEd) Program is the Department of Education’s answer to Indigenous Peoples’ (IPs) right to a basic education that is relevant to their context, respects their identities, and promotes indigenous knowledge, skills, and other parts of their cultural heritage.
Furthermore, the IPEd Program supports the implementation of the K–12 Basic Education Curriculum, which adheres to the following standards and principles: inclusive, culture-sensitive, and flexible enough to allow schools to localize, indigenize, and enhance based on the educational and social context of the community.
The program will provide assistance in the following four (4) thematic focus areas: (a) curriculum and learning resource creation; (2) capacity building; (3) knowledge management; and (d) IPEd education planning.
Madrasah Education Program
Through the integration of the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) program in the basic education curriculum, the Madrasah Education Program (MEP) aims to provide Muslim learners with appropriate and relevant educational opportunities within the context of their cultures, customs, traditions, and interests, so that Muslim citizens have the intellectual and educational capacity to participate actively in the social, economic, and political endeavors of the country.
Multigrade Education Program
Strengthening the execution of the Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE) is one of the Department of Education’s (DepEd) ongoing activities as part of its thrust to increase access to high-quality elementary education.
The Multigrade Education Program addresses critical concerns and difficulties related to providing personalized teaching and learning materials for multigrade classes, as well as teacher professional development.
New School Personnel Positions
Given the rising number of students enrolled in public schools across the country, this program aims to improve the proportion of teachers to students, promote learning, and reduce the workload of its workers.
The program’s beneficiaries include all public schools and students, catering to their needs by providing an ideal teacher-to-student ratio.
Human Resource Training Development (HRTD)
This program is focused on assisting with human resource development and training. It strives to make the department more responsive to organizational goals and manpower demands by developing relevant skills and attitudes among its employees.
DepEd Order No. 21, series of 2018, issued by the Department, aims to promote and support the professional development and career growth of personnel in schools and learning centers, as well as teaching personnel who perform managerial, supervisory, and administrative functions at the schools’ division (SDO), regional (RO), and central offices (CO).
HRTD for Organizational and Professional Development for Non-School Personnel (OPDNSP)
It has efforts and interventions in the areas of performance improvement, quality management, governance, structure, systems, processes, resource management, and organizational culture that promote organizational and office effectiveness. Individual competencies and values are developed through capacity-building activities and interventions. Core, managerial leadership and non-teaching functional competencies were the focus. It also acknowledges the use of various learning approaches like structured and experiential learning sessions, as well as coaching and mentoring.
DepEd Organizational Units/Offices, CO Directors and Personnel, RO Directors and Non-Teaching Personnel, and Non-Teaching Personnel in the SDO are the target beneficiaries.
HRTD for School and Learning Center Personnel
Individual competencies and values are developed through capacity building activities and interventions. It was primarily concerned with instructional leadership and teaching and teaching-related functional competencies. It acknowledges the use of many learning approaches such as structured and experiential learning sessions, as well as coaching and mentoring.
Teaching and teaching-related personnel in the CO, RO, and SDO, including Schools Division Superintendents (SDSs) and Assistant Schools Division Superintendents (ASDs), as well as personnel from schools and learning centers, including school heads, are the intended beneficiaries.
Program on Policy and Research
In order to strengthen evidence-based decision making, the Policy and Research Program (PRP) oversees, supports, and performs policy formation, research, and sector monitoring and evaluation.
The Policy and Research Program will directly benefit decision-makers and policymakers, as well as their technical staff, by equipping them to establish, review, and analyze policies; manage, conduct, and use research; and perform M&E and use the results.
School-Based Feeding Program
The School-Based Feeding Program helps to fight short-term hunger and malnutrition by giving hot meals to undernourished (severely abandoned and wasted) Kinder-Grade 6 students in all divisions for 120 days. According to Phil Dietary Reference Intake (PDRI), the meal must offer 1/3 of the Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intakes (RENI) for youngsters.
Science & Math Equipment (LTE-SME)
This program intends to offer complete bundles of scientific and mathematics equipment to public schools in order to address equipment shortages and meet K–12 curricular requirements.
This program benefits public elementary, junior high, and senior high school students across the country who are part of the K to 12 Program.
Special Education Program (SPED)
This Special Education Program intends to increase access to and improve the quality of SPED programs and services, as well as the efficiency of education services provided to all designated SPED Centers for elementary and secondary schools with special education courses.
SPEd’s ultimate goal is to integrate special needs children into mainstream educational systems and, eventually, into the community.
Students with disabilities from elementary through senior high school are eligible.
Technical and vocational tools (TLE)
LTE-TVL intends to provide schools with Technical-Vocational Packages that are tailored to the specialities available and adhere to K–12 Curriculum standards.
The LTE-TVL program helps Public Senior High Schools with TVL specializations implement the K-12 curriculum by providing the required and essential learning tools.
All DepED-supervised public senior high schools around the country that offer TVL specializations are the intended beneficiaries.
Textbooks and Other Educational Materials
This program intends to deliver high-quality text-based learning resources aligned with the K–12 curriculum to public schools and learning centers as a primary or supplement to teaching and learning processes.
All K-12 and ALS students and teachers in all public schools and Community Learning Centers around the country are eligible for the program.
List of DepEd Offices in the Philippines
DepEd Region 1
Address: Department of Education, Don Flores St, San Fernando, 2500 La Union
Telephone Number: (072) 607 8137
Email Address:
DepEd Region 2
Address: MP3V+WXG, Carig, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, Region II, Tuguegarao
Telephone Number: (078) 844 1862
Email Address:
DepEd Region 3
Address: 3M74+JW7, Diosdado Macapagal Government Center, San Fernando, 2000 Pampanga
Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Local 102
Email Address:
DepEd Region 4
Address: Gate 2 Karangalan Dr, Karangalan Village, Cainta, 1900 Metro Manila
Telephone Number: 0946 651 5777
Email Address:
DepEd Region 5
Address: 5Q73+73C Regional Government Center, Legazpi City – Tiwi Coastal Rd, Legaspi, 4500 Albay
Telephone Number: (052) 482-0046
Email Address:
DepEd Region 6
Address: MHRH+V39, Duran St, Iloilo City Proper, Iloilo City, 5000 Iloilo
Telephone Number: (033) 336-2816
Email Address:
DepEd Region 7
Address: 5 Sudlon, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu
Telephone Number:(032) 231-13-09
Email Address:
DepEd Region 8
Address: Gov’t. Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte
Telephone Number: (053) 323-7031
Email Address:
DepEd Region 9
Address: Pagadian City-Airport Rd, Tiguma, Pagadian City, 7016 Zamboanga del Sur
Telephone Number: (062) 215-37-53
Email Address:
DepEd Region 10
Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de Oro City, Cagayan de Oro, Lalawigan ng Misamis Oriental
Telephone Number: (088) 8807071
Email Address:
DepEd Region 11
Address: Jacinto Extension, Corner F. Torres St, Bajada, Davao City, 8000 Davao Del Sur
Telephone Number: (082) 227-93-42
Email Address:
DepEd Region 12
Address: FV2H+VF6, Carpenter Hills, AH26, Marbel, 9506 Timog Cotabato
Telephone Number: (083) 228-88-25
Email Address:
Address: WGVM+85V, Jose Rosales Ave, Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte
Telephone Number: (085) 342-62-67
Email Address:
DepEd Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
Address: FH3C+PJ5, Department of Education (CAR Office), La Trinidad, Benguet, La Trinidad
Telephone Number: (074) 422-13-18
Email Address:
DepEd National Capital Region (NCR)
Address: 6 Misamis St, Bago Bantay, Quezon City, 1105 Metro Manila
Telephone Number: (02) 920-58-24
Email Address:
DepEd Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
Address: Gutierrez Avenue, Rosary Heights No. VII Cotabato City, 9600
Telephone Number: (064) 552-1618
Email Address: N/A
Video: How to Apply for SHS Voucher Program by DepEd
Are you an OFW, or do you have a family member or relative that needs SHS voucher assistance?
This video is perfect for you because it discusses the DepEd’s SHS Voucher Program’s requirements, qualifications, and application process.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any further questions regarding the Department of Education (DepEd), see the list of frequently asked questions and answers below.
1. What is DepEd?
DepEd oversees all public and private elementary and secondary education institutions, including alternative learning systems, and ensures the formation and maintenance of a comprehensive, adequate, and integrated basic education system that contributes to national development goals.
2. Can I go directly to DepEd?
Yes, you can go to the DepEd office directly, which is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
3. What is the purpose of DepEd?
In the fields of formal and non-formal basic education, the Department of Education (DepEd) formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs, and initiatives.
4. Is it possible for OFWs to apply for SHS Voucher Program?
Yes, it’s possible. OFW children in senior high school may apply for the SHS Voucher Program. The student must complete all required program documentation.
5. What exactly is the K-12 Program?
The K to 12 Program is a 13-year basic education program that includes the following essential stages:
- Kindergarten to third grade
- 4th to 6th grades
- 7th through 10th grades (Junior High School)
- 11th and 12th grades (Senior High School)
6. What guarantee would there be that K-12 graduates will find work?
To ensure that graduates from K to 12 are considered for employment, the Department of Education has entered into an agreement with business organizations, local and foreign chambers of commerce, and industries.
Competency requirements and standards will be matched to ensure that 12-year basic education graduates have the essential skills to enter the workforce and that they meet the College Readiness Standards for further study and future employment.
Entrepreneurship will also be emphasized in the revised curriculum, ensuring that graduates can pursue alternatives other than work.
7. Why are we now implementing a Basic Education of 12 Years?
The Philippines is the only country in Asia with a 10-year pre-university cycle, and one of only three in the world (Angola and Djibouti are the other two).
The best period for learning under basic education is shown to be a 12-year curriculum. It is also an internationally accepted standard for students and professionals.
8. How will the K-12 Program help working college students?
The Department of Education (DepEd) is collaborating with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to increase the number of options for working students to attend classes. The Department of Education is collaborating with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to ensure that employees are accessible for K-12 graduates and that working students are given priority.
The Philippine Basic Education System is managed and governed by the Department of Education (DepEd). It is the major author of Philippine education policy and is in charge of the country’s elementary and secondary school systems. DepEd provides students and young adults with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to grow into compassionate, self-sufficient, productive, and patriotic citizens.
The Department of Education also provides vouchers to all Senior High School students (SHS). This program is also open to OFWs with children in senior high school.
Contact Information
DepEd Office
Address: 2nd Floor Department Of Education Building, Deped Meralco Avenue, Pasig, 1605 Metro Manila
E-mail address: /
Telephone Number: (02) 86337228
Facebook Page: