DSWD Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata

DSWD Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata is a home for abandoned, abused, and neglected children. It provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to heal and grow. The home also offers educational and vocational programs to help the children reach their full potential. DSWD Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata is one of the many programs offered by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

Also Read: DSWD Haven for Women and Children

The rights of children need to be recognized as well. During the conflict, they have often been treated poorly and abused. It is important that they remain safe and are able to thrive in their communities.

This can only happen if their basic necessities are met and they have access to education. In this article, we will learn more about the recognition of children’s rights on the Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata, particularly those who were abused.

dswd bahay tuluyan ng mga bata

What Is DSWD Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata?

Preventing and responding to abuse and violence against children is the mission of Bahay Tuluyan. It is a children’s organization that strongly upholds the rights of every Filipino street child. They ensure to provide the street children access to the services.

Also, the organization provides fresh solutions to children on the street who suffer from poverty. It is a rehabilitation center for children ages 5 to 17, particularly for those who are victims of sexual abuse, abandonment, exploitation, negligence, physical abuse, and maltreatment.

The primary objective of Bahay Tuluyan is to reduce child abuse and violence. One of their goals is to help at least 80% of kids involved in Bahay Tuluyan programs become more resilient. They not only provide a safe living environment for children but also help to keep families together.

Also, they enact systemic change by involving duty-bearers and actively promoting children’s rights at the local, national, and international levels. Moreover, they aim to act ethically, humanely, and responsibly towards their social and environmental standing while also being culturally sensitive. They seek to self-fund 30% of their expenses through social enterprises.

Benefits of DSWD Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata

  • Social Services – The interventions offered by the center aim to help the client develop skills to cope with their situation and improve social functioning. This includes a better understanding of why they were placed in the center in the first place.
  • Homelife Services – The organization provides a well-rounded and structured set of activities to support the treatment and rehabilitation of its residents. These activities are designed to promote healing and growth and include rules and regulations that help keep everyone safe and healthy.
  • Psychological And Psychiatric Services – The  DSWD Bahay Tuluyan ng mga Bata provides psychological treatment and rehabilitation to help the residents that are affected by traumatic experiences to return to their normal functioning.
  • Spiritual Enhancement And Values Formation – The organization offer activities that encourage residents to lead moral and spiritual lives.
  • Recreational And Other Socio-Cultural activities – They offer activities like singing, dancing, and theater arts that promote self-confidence and social interaction among the clients.
  • Skills Training Activities – Their skills training activities help their residents to develop new talents and improve their employability. They offer classes in sewing, rug-making, and bag-making, among other things. These classes not only contribute to the rehabilitation of their clients but also help them tap into their potential and creativity.
  • Legal Services – They offer legal services such as legal advice, lawyer assistance, and support through volunteers and retainer lawyers.
  • Aftercare And Follow-Up Services – This program is conducted with the help of a local social worker and it includes assessing the client’s progress at regular intervals, both at home and in the community. They may also provide other kinds of assistance to the family as needed, such as medical aid or help with livelihood.


Bahay Tuluyan provides residential services to girls who are 5 to 17 years of age. These girls are victim-survivors of:

  • Sexual Abuse – They are victims or survivors of rape, incest, lascivious acts, or sexual exploitation for profit, money or any other consideration, or as an outcome of any adult, group, or syndicate’s coercion or influence.
  • Abandonment – A child who has been left alone or given up by their parents
  • Neglect – The child didn’t receive enough proper attention.
  • Physical Abuse or Maltreatment – These are the girls who receive cruel, inhumane or any deprivation of basic needs that prevents them from meeting physical growth.


The Center will admit girls who are victim-survivors of sexual abuse, abandonment, neglect, physical abuse, or maltreatment only if they meet the following requirements:

  • Safe from any contagious or infectious diseases;
  • Does not suffer from any mental illness;
  • Comes from any of the municipalities or provinces

Has the following documents:

  • Social Case Study Report
  • Referral letter
  • Medical Certificate
  • Birth Certificate

Video: Bahay Tuluyan Manila

Here’s a video of the Bahay Tuluyan’s New Home in Manila. It was officially opened on the 11th day of November 2011. The Bahay Tuluyan is located on Leveriza Street, Malate, Manila. Over the past 25 years, the organization has provided services for thousands of Filipino street children, and finally, they already have a place to provide more services in 2011.

The video mainly discusses the rooms and their designated functions. Bahay Tuluyan center in Malate is divided into three parts, the Sinag Center, Drop-In Center, and the Makabata Guesthouse & Cafe. The Sinag Center provides emergency shelter to 24 children in need of special protection.

On the other hand, at the Drop-In Center, street children can take a break from their daily lives to play and rest. They also have access to social services, like Play Club, a transition program that helps them acclimate back into formal education.

At Makabata Guesthouse & Cafe, they work to empower youth through valuable skills training and employment. By providing both a cafe and guesthouse for their trainees, they gain essential experience in the service industry while also earning an income.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the DSWD Organization Have A Process For Selecting Volunteers?

They carefully screen all prospective volunteers before accepting them to Bahay Tuluyan. However, they do reserve the right to refuse any volunteer at any time.

2. How to Apply As A Volunteer?

If you want to apply to be a volunteer, fill out the volunteer profile form and attach it along with your CV and police clearance. You can email the required documents to info@bahaytuluyan.org

3. How Long Do Volunteers Typically Stay?

Even though volunteers are welcome to stay for any length of time, the organization requires that the volunteer will stay for a minimum period of 4 weeks full-time or 3 months if only part-time. It often takes volunteers some time to get accustomed to the climate and lifestyle there, but after that point, they can be more valuable members of the organization.

4. What Kind Of Activities Do Volunteers Typically Do?

Bahay Tuluyan relies on volunteers to help with a number of tasks, which vary depending on the skills and interests of the volunteer as well as the needs of the organization. Volunteers are not tasked to do primary responsibilities for the operation of the programs of the organization. Instead, they assist the staff as well as local youth volunteers in performing their duties more effectively.

This implies that tasks could include assisting in the development of new modules, leading capacity-building activities, as well as aiding in special initiatives that necessitate extra manpower. Volunteers have previously assisted with a variety of activities such as developing the latest teaching resources, creating business strategies, gardening, data entry, painting, and staff training.

5. Are they Working With Volunteers Who Operate Independently?

Bahay Tuluyan relies on volunteers from different organizations as well as independent individuals to help with the various needs of the organization. The number of volunteers needed varies depending on current projects and available staff members.


The DSWD Bahay Tuluyan is an organization that aims to reduce child abuse and violence. Their primary objective is to help children become more resilient, and they provide a safe living environment for kids while also working to keep families together.

The center also promotes children’s rights at the local, national, and international levels, as well as implementing systemic change through their work with duty-bearers.

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