What is the DSWD Quick Response Fund?

DSWD Quick Response Fund is a budget fund allocated by the Philippines government to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to help communities in times of calamities. The fund is used to provide immediate assistance to those affected by disasters and calamities, such as food, water, and shelter. It can also be used to help with the rehabilitation and rebuilding of communities after a disaster.

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The Philippines is particularly susceptible to natural disasters, so it is essential to create efficient disaster response systems that can effectively address the challenges posed by such events.

As Vice-Chairperson for Response under the Republic Act No. 10121 or the PDRRM, the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is authorized to give assistance when the resources of the affected areas, provinces, regions, and local government are insufficient.

In this article, we will learn what is the Quick Response Fund and its benefits to the people.

dswd Quick Response Fund

What is the Quick Response Fund of DSWD?

The Quick Response Fund is an allocated fund from the Government of the Philippines. The Department will use this money as a reserve for unforeseen circumstances that may arise throughout the year. The fund will be used primarily to assist those areas and communities affected by disasters, through things like relief work, rebuilding constructions, rehabilitation, and other kinds of services.

The Quick Response Fund was included in the Appropriations Act of the government. This correlates to the relief and rehabilitation program of the national government. This Department provides yearly support to DSWD Field Offices and local government units for the rehabilitation, relief, and capability building of personnel engaged in disaster response.

In accordance with the mandate, the DSWD decided to invest in the capabilities and capacities of its employees in order to enhance the workforce of the department in responding to huge disasters, as part of its concern to consistently provide support in the form of non-food and food items, psycho-social support, temporary shelter, and early recovery services to improve the human status and social situations, as well as protecting human rights and wellbeing.

Through the DRMB or the Disaster Response Management Bureau, the DSWD affirms the benefit of a large number of human resources from the Field Offices (FOS) and DSWD Central Office (CO) to support the affected DSWD FO in continuing its disaster response procedures; thus, the Quick Response Team (QRT) deployment guidelines.


The following are different modes of augmentations that LGUs can receive from the national government, pursuant to R.A. 7160, in order to fund relief operations and rehabilitation purposes:

  • The LGUs are responsible for giving out family packs to those affected by man-made and natural disasters.
  • Local governments provide direct assistance to the beneficiaries for rehabilitation, such as:(1) Core Shelter Assistance Project; (2) Material support for shelters such as nails, GI sheets, and lumber
  • This fund transfer allows local governments to provide other rehabilitative services.


Request for augmentations shall be assessed and evaluated based on the following criteria.:

  • The size and scope of a disaster’s effects on a particular area.
  • The duration of the disaster operation significantly depleted the LGU’s resources in addressing the needs of the population that is affected.
  • The Field Office must submit a rapid disaster evaluation report or a validation report showing the severity of the damage, the assistance or services already supplied, the capabilities and resources of LGU, and the required support.


Here are the documentation requirements needed:

  1. Request for Quick Response Fund to supplement the LGU relief operations
  • Disaster Report from the affected areas
  • Rapid Assessment Results and Field Office Recommendation
  1. Certification from the Local Government Treasurer that the Local Calamity Fund is depleted or unavailable.
  2. Request for Quick Response Fund to supplement rehabilitative services:
  • Field Offices’ Recommendations
  • Disaster Terminal report
  • The PDCC and MDCC have endorsed a rehabilitation plan


Here are the procedural guidelines :

Step 1. The DSWD Field Office will assess and validate the disaster report within 24 hours of receiving it.

Step 2. The Field Office shall then submit an appropriate recommendation, along with the disaster reports to the central office via National Operations. This will serve as the basis for further recommendations or endorsements regarding relief efforts.

Step 3. If an LGU requests something directly from the Central office, the FO will be notified for recommendation and validation.

Step 4. The DSWD will provide an adequate amount of monitoring and technical assistance to all LGUs to ensure the successful implementation of programs.

Video: Quick Response Fund(QRF)

Here is a news video way back on December 30, 2021, regarding the addition of funds to the Quick Response Fund (QRF).



In the video, the Department of Budget and Management released almost P800 million pesos in additional funds for the victims of typhoon Odette. The QRF is a reserve fund given to several agencies that can be used to address immediately the negative impact and damages caused by disasters. The DSWD has received the biggest amount of funds in QRF. Truly, the QRF is an important tool in assisting survivors of disasters and calamities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How To Use Quick Response Fund (QRF)?

It must be used solely by the Department as reserve funds for catastrophic events that will happen throughout the year, mainly for aid, rehabilitation, relief, reconstruction, and other services or work to calamity-affected areas or communities.

2. What Is A Quick Response Team?

The Disaster Response Team is a group of floor employees, fixed-term workers, and emergency personnel from the Department of Social Welfare and Development who are authorized to be deployed to areas experiencing natural or human-induced disasters. The team provides aid and assistance to those affected by such events.

3. Do QRT Members Use Their Money?

Once the Quick Response Team (QRT) members are deployed, the department will repay employees for their allowable traveling expenses and/or actual transportation costs as given in the existing rules and regulations pertaining to travel expenses. These expenses will be charged against the Quick Response Fund (QRF).

4. What Positions Can Be Assigned To QRT Members?

The QRT members may be positioned or assigned to the areas where expertise is needed such as Warehouse and Logistics Management, Camp Coordination, Camp Management, Rapid Damage Assessment, and Needs Analysis (RDANA), Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), Livelihood Immediate Needs Assessment, Livelihood Recovery and Rehabilitation Needs Assessment (LRRNA), and many more.

5. Do The QRT Have Deployment Plan?

To guarantee that the management is well aware and informed about deployment and fieldwork, the Undersecretary or Director should approve the application of power to travel based on a deployment plan. The deployment plan consists of expected activities, length of stay, and the list of target areas, provinces, and local government units.


The Quick Response Fund (QRF) is a reserve fund used by the Department of Social Welfare and Development to address the immediate needs of disaster survivors. The department also operates a Quick Response Team that provides aid and assistance during natural or human-induced disasters.

QRT members may be assigned to areas where they have specific expertise. The QRF is very important in ensuring the successful recovery and rehabilitation of disaster-affected communities.

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