How to Register OASIS OWWA Form

If you are one of those OFWs who have been negatively impacted by the pandemic, it is important that you register yourself via the OASIS form online. The OFW Assistance Information System (OASIS) system has been set up in order to facilitate the repatriation and assistance of OFWs. Here we share more details about this project.

Also Read: OWWA Balik Pinas Balik Hanapbuhay Livelihood Program for OFWs

Undeniably, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all overseas Filipino workers. Many OFWs have lost their jobs, or have not been paid their salaries because of business operations also being affected. This has led to many Filipinos deciding to go home for good. OFWs can also take advantage of scholarship and training projects, livelihood assistance projects, loan programs, and repatriation assistance from the Philippine government.

The pandemic has also prompted the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to come up with an initiative in catering the needs of the OFWs. This is when OWWA’s OASIS program tracker has been launched.

OASIS Form OFW Assistance information system

What is OWWA OASIS Registration Program?

OASIS stands for OFW Assistance Information System. OASIS is an online platform developed by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) which is intended to facilitate an orderly and smooth repatriation process and assistance to the huge number of returning OFWs to the Philippines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

When you register in the OASIS form, you are automatically providing your details and information to DOLE, POEA, OWWA, and POLO. Having this centralized database of information will enable these OFW government agencies to respond to all OFW concerns and provide appropriate services. Some of these services include testing, quarantine, and transportation.

For repatriation assistance, please accomplish the online registration form at least five (5) days before your scheduled flight.

What is the purpose of the OFW Assistance Information System (OASIS)?

OASIS intends to provide better service delivery to OFWs. When you register in OASIS, the necessary information you provided will be the information used in DOLE, POEA, POLO, and OWWA. This will enable the government to connect with you, respond to all your concerns, and provide appropriate services such as testing, quarantine, and transportation in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are two main objectives why OASIS was developed.

  • Faster Service Delivery This system aims to facilitate quick and appropriate government assistance to all OFWs who lost their jobs, who finished their employment contracts, and those who were forced to go home.
  • Orderly and Organized Process- This system helps DOLE in providing order and organization in the process when OFWs arrive in the country. Imagine the huge numbers of OFWs coming home without OASIS automating the manual process of identifying, classifying, swab testing, and transporting them to their respective hotels can be very chaotic. Worst case scenario is DOLE losing track of contact tracing due to disorganization as OFWs arrive at the airport.


The website to access this OFW Assistance Information System is by going to the website link – This is where you can enter your information and submit it so that it will be reflected in the OWWA system. Please be guided on this important URL for your reference. You can simply type “oasis owwa gov ph” on Google to find the form.

How to Register Online for OWWA OASIS – OFW Assistance Information System?

In order for you to register to the OWWA OASIS online, you need to fill out the OASIS OWWA form, please follow the steps below:

Step 1. The process starts at registering on the OASIS. There is only one official link of OASIS and that Remember to be mindful of the website where you input your important details. Always make sure that it is a legit website and not a phishing or scam website.

OFW Assistance Information System OASIS online
screenshot of the OASIS website online

Step 2. A text box will appear asking for your preferred language before you can access the website. Select the language you are comfortable by clicking the English box or Filipino box. The landing page or homepage of the official website should look like exactly what is shown below.

OFW Assistance Information system form
OFW Assistance Information system form

Step 3. Fill out the OASIS form with the necessary details. Make sure that you have entered the complete and accurate information in the boxes. A sample of the form is shown below.  Keep in mind and be guided that you must provide an answer in the boxes where there is a red asterisk symbol beside the field name (for example Surname*).

OASIS Form Online procedure
OASIS Form Online procedure

Step 4. Once you are done providing the relevant and necessary information in the boxes of the form, do not forget to tick or click the little boxes at the bottom of the form. This is to certify that you have read carefully the form and you have understood the contents and you are giving permission or consent to process your data under the Data Privacy Act of 2012.  It should look like the picture shown below.

Step 5. Then click the “Submit Application” button.

OASIS submit application
OASIS submit application

Step 6. Wait for the email notification which will be sent to you email. This email confirms that your registration in OASIS was successful.

Step 7. If you wish to edit or update your information, just go back to the email notification and click the link and proceed with updating your information. Click the Submit button once again.


Take note that you should type your personal information as a Filipino worker in the OASIS OWWA form. The form can easily be filled out online and submitted via –

You can also check out the OASIS form in this file below:

Download OWWA oasis form online
Page 1 of OASIS form
OWWA Oasis Form
Page 2 of OASIS form

How to Register for OASIS OWWA

Not all Filipinos have access to the internet and so manual registration and submission is another option. However, unlike online submission, the manual process will require more effort and cost for printing and fare going to an office.

Step 1. Download the OASIS form here –

Step 2. Fill out all the necessary information and provide accurate details in the form. Remember to check or tick the box with the appropriate answer. You can print first the OASIS form and write on it using a pen. Or you can edit the form in the computer then print the copy. Either way it is fine.

Step 3. Submit the accomplished form to authorized staff of the following offices:

  • DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment)
  • POLO (Philippine Overseas Labor Office)
  • OWWA (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration)
  • POEA (Philippine Overseas Employment Administration)

Step 4. Be informed that all information you have shared and provided in the form will be used in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Based on the two options above, the OASIS online registration is more convenient.

Overview of the Step-by-Step OWWA OASIS Registration via Online

Registering and submitting your application online is faster and easier. Here is a quick overview flowchart process of the online registration:

OWWA OASIS Online Registration process

Other Important Things to Know about OASIS OWWA and Other Requirements Needed

  • You have to register in OASIS five (5) days before your scheduled return to the Philippines. Again registration can be done manually or online. We have discussed the step-by-step process above.
  • If you, the OFW, cannot personally register online, you can go and report to the Philippine Overseas Labor Office or POLO. POLO has the jurisdiction over their worksite and you can simply ask for help and assistance in registering you for OASIS. POLOs will advocate and promote the use of the OASIS and report promptly to home office data about your repatriation or your scheduled return to Philippines using the They can only access this site.
  • If you cannot locate a POLO in your area, another option is to contact your recruitment or manning agency and request help from them. Let them register in your behalf. In this option, you are giving permission or consent to let your agency do the processing of your personal information but only for the purpose of OASIS registration and nothing else.
  • During COVID-19 pandemic, the repatriation or returning of OFWs to Philippines is considered a significant event. Therefore, recruitment and manning agencies also have the responsibility to report to the POEA using the OFW Welfare Monitoring System (OWMS) of POEA. The local agencies have to report the names of OFWs who are returning in the country, date and time of their flight, the port of embarkation and disembarkation, and other relevant and necessary details. If the agencies fail to comply and deliver the required report is grounds for administrative sanctions.
  • Remember before flying home to the Philippines, you have to register online.

Things you Need to Prepare Upon Arrival in Philippine Airports

  • Accomplishing the registration in the OASIS and getting an e-CIF before arrival at NAIA airport will facilitate and enable immigration and quarantine clearance for entry into the Philippines. The e-CIF is electronic case investigation form which can be found and filled out at Philippine Red Cross website- This must also be accomplished prior to your scheduled arrival in the Philippines.
  • Once you are done with the online registrations (OASIS and e-CIF) this will help the NAIA prepare for logistics of the arriving OFWs. This serves as their One-Stop Shop. So make sure that you have completed and accomplished correctly the registration of two online forms.
  • Remember the 2.2 million OFWs? During this time, only 1, 000 arrivals can be accommodated due to limited personnel and equipment even with the use of the One-Stop Shop. All arrivals are subjected to COVID-19 testing and quarantine for fourteen (14) days in government facilities or in their hometowns.
  • All arriving OFWs must proceed to the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) section to know their quarantine center assignments. The local recruitment or manning agencies of Seafarers will be responsible in accommodating them or they may proceed to Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) desk. Those who will test negative for COVID-19 may proceed to their hometowns and complete their quarantine.
  • If you test positive (knock on wood and God forbid), the Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) will need to transfer you to a designated and selected hospital for further medical assistance and management.

Video: OWWA OASIS Application

Check out these videos below to get more details about the explanation of the OASIS registration by OWWA.


Before we conclude the OASIS form process, please be advised that any information posted here may change without prior notice. As the pandemic has surely affected us all and we are still adjusting to the new norms, procedures may be updated.

But for now, please be guided accordingly as an OFW, on what are the things you need to secure and process in order to successfully go home to the Philippines. Please continue to stay safe.

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