DSWD Listahanan Program to Identify Filipino Families in Need

Since its establishment, the DSWD Listahanan (National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction) has been one of the government’s key programs in reducing poverty. The system identifies and targets the poorest households in the country so that they can be given assistance through various social welfare programs.

The DSWD Listahanan has been updated regularly to ensure that it accurately reflects the current state of poverty in the Philippines. Despite the decrease, poverty remains a major problem in the Philippines.

Also read: DSWD KALAHI-CIDSS (Kapit Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services

The DSWD Listahanan aims to help address this problem by providing targeted assistance to the poorest households. By identifying and targeting these households, the government can ensure that they receive the help they need to improve their situation.

dswd listahanan program

What Is Listahanan (National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction)

The Philippines’ NHTS-PR, also known as Listahanan, is a national database that provides information on who and where the poorest households are in the country. It is a flagship poverty alleviation program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) that uses a Proxy Means Test (PMT) to identify who and where the poorest are.

The program was first implemented in 2009 and has since been updated twice, most recently in 2015. As of 2019, it is estimated that there are around 4.8 million Filipino households living in poverty.

The first round of the assessment was conducted in early 2009 on around 10.9 million households, identifying about 5.25 million as poor. A second round was done from October 2010, which yielded 15.3 million poor households. In 2016, the third round of assessment was conducted and it resulted in 5.6 million poor households being identified. As of July 2017, the fourth round of assessment is ongoing.

DSWD Listahanan vs. NSCB’s Poverty Statistics

One of the criticisms levelled against the DSWD Listahanan is that it does not use the same definition of poverty as the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). The NSCB defines poverty as “the condition of not having enough income to purchase a minimum basket of goods and services.”

On the other hand, the DSWD Listahanan defines poverty as “the condition of lacking a certain amount of assets or capabilities.” This means that a household might be considered poor even if they have enough income to purchase a minimum basket of goods and services, as long as they lack other assets or capabilities (such as access to healthcare or education).

Critics argue that this difference in definition makes it difficult to compare the two sets of data side-by-side. However, proponents of the DSWD Listahanan say that this difference is actually an advantage, as it provides a more multidimensional view of poverty.

What are The Benefits Of Listahanan?

There are many benefits of the Listahanan for both individuals and families living in poverty as well as for the government agencies tasked with helping them.

  • For individuals and families, the Listahanan provides them with access to much-needed social services and financial assistance. This help can make a big difference in their lives, providing them with a safety net to help them get back on their feet.
  • In addition, being included in the DSWD Listahanan also makes one eligible for certain government-sponsored programs such as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. These programs provide cash assistance to poor families so that they can meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life.
  • For government agencies, the Listahanan allows them to target their programs and services more to those who need them the most. This ensures that limited resources are used in the most efficient way possible to help as many people as possible out of poverty.
  • NGOs and other private organizations can use the data to better assess where their services are most needed. They can also use it to track their progress in alleviating poverty in certain areas.
  • Academics and researchers now have a rich source of data that they can use for their studies on poverty.
  • Businesses can also use the data to assess potential markets and make better decisions about where to invest.
  • The media can use Listahanan data to report more accurately on poverty incidence and trends across different regions in the country.
  • Civil society groups can use the data to monitor government progress in reducing poverty, or lack thereof.
  • Finally, donors both local and foreign can use Listahanan data when making decisions about where to channel their resources.

What Are The Requirements For (National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction)

  • Familiarize yourself with the poverty thresholds set by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). These thresholds will be used to determine whether or not you are eligible for government assistance programs.
  • Get in touch with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) field office nearest you. They will be able to help you with the next steps in the process.
  • Gather all of the required documents for your assessment. This includes but is not limited to: a birth certificate, tax identification number, land ownership documents, and proof of income.
  • Submit your application form and supporting documents to the DSWD field office.

How Is Household Poverty Determined?

To identify which households are considered poor, social welfare workers conduct face-to-face interviews with household members. These interviews collect data on various indicators of poverty, such as income, health, education, housing, and access to basic services.

This data is then used to calculate a poverty score for each household. A score of 30 or below indicates extreme poverty, while a score of 31-45 indicates moderate poverty. A score of 46-60 means a household is near poor, while anything above 60 means a household is non-poor.

What Is The Procedure For Listahanan?

Families included in the Listahanan are assigned a poverty score, which is based on a number of factors, including income, education, employment, housing, and health. Families with a high poverty score are considered to be living in extreme poverty and are prioritized for assistance from the DSWD.

Listahanan consists of two steps: (1) identification and (2) targeting.

Identification is done through a Proxy Means Test or PMT, which is a statistical method that predicts poverty status using observable characteristics or proxies for income and consumption expenditures.

This means that instead of asking individuals directly about their income and expenditures—which may be underreported or undisclosed—Listahanan uses serviceable indicators that are expected to correlate with household income or consumption expenditures to predict poverty status.

These indicators or proxies include access to basic services, asset ownership, dwelling characteristics, educational attainment of the head of household, employment status of members 14 years old and above, presence of disabled members in the household, presence of pregnant women and senior citizens in the household, and type of toilet used.

The second step is targeting, which is done by ranking all identified poor households from poorest to non-poor according to their socioeconomic scores derived from the application of PMT.

Once all the data has been collected, it undergoes a validation process in order to ensure its accuracy and completeness. After that, a screening tool is used to identify which families are living below the poverty line. This is based on the criteria set by the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA). Once all that is done, the final list of poor families is generated.

In the final phase, various reports are generated based on the data collected. These include national-, regional-, provincial-, city-, and municipality-level poverty maps and tables showing the incidence, depth, and severity of poverty indicators. These reports help government agencies target their programs and services more effectively.

The poorest are included in the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, while those who are not qualified for 4Ps but are still impoverished may be provided with other forms of social protection programs and services by DSWD field offices across the country.

Video: DSWD’s Listahanan or the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction

This video is all about DSWD’s Listahanan or the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction. It discusses how the system identifies and targets poor households for assistance so that they can be lifted out of poverty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some FAQs about the Listahanan Program:

1. Is Listahanan and 4Ps The Same?

Listahanan, also known as, is a database of information on households that can be used to identify those who are living below the poverty line.

4Ps is the popular name for the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, a conditional cash transfer program that provides financial assistance to eligible households.

Listahanan is not equal to 4Ps since it is only one of the programs using the database. However, both Listahanan and 4Ps are important government initiatives that aim to reduce poverty in the Philippines.

2. What Are The Different Programs And Services Of DSWD And Their Response To Poverty?

DSWD, or Department of Social Welfare and Development, is the Philippine government agency tasked with protecting and promoting the social welfare and development of Filipino citizens. The agency provides a wide range of programs and services aimed at improving the lives of those living in poverty, including financial assistance, livelihood training, and counseling services.

3. How Does DSWD Implement Anti-poverty Programs?

Despite being one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, the Philippines still struggles with high levels of poverty and inequality.

DSWD programs target specific areas of need, such as providing cash assistance to low-income families, improving access to healthcare and education, and creating jobs. By helping Filipinos meet their basic needs, these programs provide a safety net that can help prevent people from falling into poverty. They also help to create opportunities for people to escape poverty and build better lives for themselves and their families.

4. How does DSWD identify the poorest households in the Philippines?

DSWD uses a variety of methods to identify the poorest households in the Philippines, including data from household surveys and censuses, as well as information from social welfare and development programs. The National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction, or Listahanan, is the main database used to identify poor households. This system uses a series of criteria to determine eligibility for assistance, such as income, assets, and employment status.

5. What benefits are available through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program?

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, also known as 4Ps, provides financial assistance to eligible households. Benefits include monthly cash grants, healthcare services, and education subsidies.

6. How can I apply for assistance through 4Ps?

To apply for assistance through 4Ps, you need to submit an application form to your nearest DSWD field office. You can get a copy of the application form from the DSWD website or from your local government office.

7. I think my household may be eligible for benefits under 4Ps. How can I find out for sure?

The best way to find out if your household is eligible for benefits under 4Ps is to visit your nearest DSWD field office and speak to a representative. They will be able to give you more information on the program and help you with the application process.


The DSWD Listahanan Program is a database of information on households that can be used to identify those who are living below the poverty line.

Listahanan is an important tool in fighting poverty in the Philippines because it provides crucial information on who and where the poorest households are in the country. By knowing this information, social welfare and development programs can be better targeted to those who need them most.

If you want to learn more about Listahanan or if you think your household may be eligible for benefits under this program, please visit https://listahanan.dswd.gov.ph/ for more information.

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