Note: The POEA office has been merged and is now part of the DMW (Department of Migrant Workers) office. Please be advised that the website of POEA is now changed to DMW website.
The Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) is a government agency that is responsible for the administration of overseas employment programs in the Philippines. It is also responsible for safeguarding the rights and welfare of Filipino workers abroad.
POEA establishes and maintains decent employment for Filipino migrant workers, promotes their protection and reintegration into Philippine society, and connects to the world. So basically, if you are a Filipino and you wish to go abroad, you have to go through this employment agency institution in order to go through the legal recruitment process.
Also Read: DOLE – Department of Labor and Employment Philippines – Purpose, Functions and Responsibilities
The POEA’s primary function is to administer and implement overseas employment programs in the Philippines. This includes regulating recruitment agencies, processing applications for work
- Overview
- What is POEA?
- Benefits
- Vision
- Mission
- Quality Statement
- Core Functions and Responsibilities
- Programs and Services
- POEA Online Services
- Video: POEA Government Agency Services Guide
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 1. What is POEA?
- 2. What are the benefits of POEA?
- 3. What is the purpose of POEA?
- 4. Is there a difference between POEA and OWWA?
- 5. How does the POEA help and protect OFWs?
- 6. Is it possible for me to apply for multiple POEA programs and services?
- 7. Does POEA assist OFWs?
- 8. What is the process for applying for POEA?
- 9. How long does the POEA take to process?
- Summary
- Contact Information
- Google Map Location
Overseas Filipino Workers, or OFWs, have long been a staple of the Philippine economy. They are the country’s heroes, sacrificing their time and safety to provide for their families back home. The government has long sought to protect and assist OFWs through various policies and programs, the most recent of which is the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, or POEA.
The Executive Order No. 797 established the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration in 1982. The agency was established with the objective of promoting and monitoring Filipino workers’ overseas employment.
Executive Order No. 247 reformed the POEA in 1987 to respond to changing markets and economic situations as well as to reinforce components that would protect Filipino employees and the overseas employment program’s regulatory components.
POEA is a global organization that assists the development and preservation of quality jobs for Filipino migrant workers, as well as their protection and easy reintegration into Philippine society, in collaboration with all stakeholders.
What is POEA?
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is the government agency in charge of overseeing and regulating commercial recruitment firms in the Philippines.
In most cases, the POEA guarantees that all work offers available to Filipinos in other countries are legitimate. Their principal goal is to safeguard all candidates and Overseas Filipino Workers, or OFWs, from illegal recruiters and employers by developing and enforcing policies that promote the OFWs’ best interests.
Also Read: DMW eRegistration Online Service (POEA Log in eReg Portal)
The POEA plays a critical role in the recruitment and deployment of Filipino workers. It provides services to help aspiring OFWs obtain legal status through the correct papers before leaving the nation to work in another country.
As the need for and opportunities to work in other countries grow, so do concerns about unlawful recruitment. By holding seminars like the Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar, or PEOS, the POEA works closely with local government entities to prevent illegal recruiting.

POEA’s vision is to be the best in governance for world-class Filipino migrant workers, such as OFWs.
“Excellence in governance for world-class Filipino migrant workers”
POEA’s mission for the coming years is to ensure that respectable jobs for Filipino workers are created and preserved, as well as to promote their protection and advocate for their reintegration into Philippine society.
“POEA connects to the world and in partnership with all stakeholders, facilitates the generation and preservation of decent jobs for Filipino migrant workers, promotes their protection and advocates their smooth reintegration into Philippine society.”
Quality Statement
To satisfy their consumers, POEA strives for excellence in governance.
POEA does this by:
Providing effective and efficient services
Operating within the requirement and standards governing overseas employment
Empowering our human resources
Assuring continual improvement using ISO 9001:2015
Core Functions and Responsibilities
Here are the following core functions and responsibilities of the POEA:
Employment Facilitation
- Accredits/ registers foreign principals and employers hiring Filipino workers.
- Approves manpower requests of foreign principals and employers.
- Assists departing workers at the ports of exit.
- Conducts marketing missions.
- Develops and monitors markets and conducts market research.
- Enters into a memorandum of understanding on the hiring of Filipino workers with labor–receiving countries.
- Evaluates and processes employment contracts.
- Facilitates the deployment of workers hired through government-to-government arrangements.
- Provides a system of worker’s registry.
General Administration and Support Services
- Financial Management
- Human Resources Development
- Information and Communication Technology
- Plans and Policy Development
- Property and Supplies Management
- Quality Management System
Industry Regulation
- Hears and arbitrates complaints and cases filed against recruitment and manning agencies, foreign principals and employers, and overseas workers for reported violation of POEA rules and regulations, except for money claims.
- Implements a system of incentives and penalty for private sector participants.
- Sets minimum labor standards.
- Imposes disciplinary actions on erring employers and workers and seafarers.
- Issues license to engage in overseas recruitment and manning to private recruitment agencies and ship manning companies.
- Monitors overseas job advertisements on print, broadcast and television.
Supervises the government’s program on anti-illegal recruitment.
Worker’s Protection
- Conducts Pre-Deployment Orientation Seminars (PDOS) to workers hired through the government-to-government arrangement and name hires.
- Conducts pre-employment orientation and anti-illegal recruitment seminars nationwide.
- Implements gender-sensitive programs.
- Intensifies public education and information campaign.
- Networks with non-government organizations, workers’ organizations, etc.
- OFW global mapping and profiling.
- Provides a system of worker’s registry
- Provides legal assistance to victims of illegal recruitment
- Provides repatriation assistance.
- Provides technical assistance in the drafting of bilateral and multilateral agreements.
Programs and Services
The main function of POEA is to protect OFW from illegal recruiters. One of the agency’s missions is to promote and monitor OFWs employment.
Assist WELL Program
The Assist WELL Program was created in collaboration between DOLE and POEA. WELL is an acronym that stands for Welfare, Employment, Livelihood, and Legal.
It is a collection of reintegration programs and assistance designed to help people get back on their feet, repatriated employees have a job, justice, and livelihood requirements.
The following items will be covered by welfare assistance:
- Airport assistance
- Emergency medical assistance
- Stress debriefing
- Temporary shelter/ accommodation
- Transport assistance to residence
- Competency evaluation and certification for repatriated workers who want to be sure they have the skills they’ll need in their new job. Those who want to meet the standards will receive skill training.
- Job placement/recommendation for local employment
- Job placement/recommendation for work in another country
- Assisting with business loans
- Livelihood skills training
- Mentoring and support for small businesses on a one-on-one basis
- Training for aspiring entrepreneurs
- Advice from a lawyer
- Assistance with the preparation and filing of complaints including illegal recruiting, recruitment violations, and disciplinary action.
- Conciliation proceedings will provide a forum for returned workers and their recruiters to discuss the potential of a mutually beneficial agreement.
- Counseling in criminal cases involving illicit recruitment during the preliminary inquiry and hearings.
Employment Facilitation
The POEA assists Filipinos in finding work in other countries. This protects the applicant’s safety and rights.
Giving orientation and predeparture seminars, processing employment documents including as passports, visas, and police clearances, and providing legal guidance to OFWs are just a few of the services provided by POEA.
The following is a list of POEA’s employment facilitation services:
- Evaluation and processing of employment contracts
- Foreign employer accreditation
- Pre-employment orientations for OFWs
- Worker deployment
- Worker’s registry system
General Administration and Support Services
POEA is also in charge of general administration and support services. This comprises computer support, financial management, and human resource management, among other things.
The following are some examples of general administrative services:
- Financial Management
- Human Resources Development
- Information and Communication Technology
- Plans and Policy Development
- Property and Supplies Management
- Quality Management System
Industry Regulation
The Philippines’ third-party employment agencies are regulated by the POEA. This is to ensure that the agencies to which you’ve applied are legitimate. They set policies for these job agencies to ensure that Filipinos are protected to the fullest extent possible before accepting a job abroad.
POEA’s regulating policies include the following:
- lncentivizing private sector participants
- Issuing licenses to overseas recruitment and manning agencies
- Penalizing non-compliant parties
- Setting minimum labor standards
Worker’s Protection
POEA defends the rights of Filipino workers working in other countries. This helps the applicant prepare for life as an OFW by providing information through seminars. They also provide a 24-hour hotline that OFWs can call for help in an emergency.
POEA provides the following services to protect OFWs:
- Deploying only to countries and companies compliant with the Amended Migrant Workers Act
- OFW global mapping and profiling
- Providing legal assistance (like filing, prosecuting, and penalizing) to any victims of illegal recruitment
- Providing repatriation assistance
POEA Online Services
There are also online services that a worker can avail of in POEA via POEAOnlineServices Portal. These include the following:
1. Adjudication Cases Monitor
This service’s purpose is to check previous cases using a case number. OFWs can be able to keep track of their case and see how it’s progressing.
2. Balik Manggagawa Online Processing
OFWs can complete their OEC to save them from the hassle of commuting and the expense of transportation. OFWs will not have to visit a POEA or POLO office to obtain an Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC); OFWs can complete the process online. Returning OFWs (Balik Manggagawa) can also get an OEC exemption.
3. Online Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS)
The Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS) covers everything an applicant needs to know before going abroad. This is a seminar that any aspiring OFW should attend because it is a requirement for obtaining the OEC.
Attending PEOS is simple and convenient and it has eight learning modules.
These courses will also be used to form the basis of the test. The goal is to provide knowledge to the applicant from the convenience of their own home.
4. POEA E-Registration (Online Service Portal)
This online tool is for those who plan to apply for jobs in other countries. If you want to work in another country, you must first register with the Manpower Registry (e-Registration).
This may be found at Applicants must give accurate information, documents, and photos. The website includes features such as e Registration, POEA Helpdesk, Appointment Online, and Job Fair.
5. POEA Online Appointment
OFWs can save time and effort by scheduling an appointment with the POEA online. An online appointment is a more convenient and time-saving process. Use the POEA Online Appointment System to make an appointment at the POEA Central Office. Choose the Office and the Date you want, and you’ll have a slot right away.
Link to POEA Online Appointment:
6. Registration for Seafarers
Seafarers must register on the website to be included in the registration of qualified seafarers for overseas maritime work. This will also be a valuable resource for maritime labor market policy research and development. The labor market is a wonderful location to start for policy study and development.
The applicant has the option to register, upgrade, amend, or update his or her information. After completing the registration process, the applicant will be assigned an SRC number and password to use while signing in.
7. SRA/LOA Online Application System
The online system is a web-based application that may be accessed via the POEA’s official website. This enables recruitment and various agencies to apply and submit online application requirements for the issuing of Special Recruitment Authority (SRA) and Letter of Acknowledgement (LOA).
In comparison to manual submission, the SRA, LOA processed online application promotes paperless transactions and saves time by avoiding the need to visit POEA to file an application. SRA LOA applications are accepted from all licensed recruitment and manning agencies.
8. Verification of Status of Recruitment Agencies
The objective of the Status of Recruitment Agencies is to provide information about the recruitment agency to which one has applied. The website is updated on a regular basis. This information can assist OFWs in selecting a legitimate agency.
The search tool is already visible when you go to the Verification of Status of Recruitment Agencies website link. The agencies are categorized and grouped together. Land-based recruitment agencies, manning agencies, agencies with a valid license, land-based recruitment agencies with a valid license, and manning agencies with a valid license are the types of businesses that fall under this category.
9. Verification of Agency’s Job Orders
The objective is to determine whether the job orders are genuine or not. An applicant can double-check if the job offer was in the POEA ads by searching on this website. This site will show you the availability of work orders. The work orders are divided into three categories: position, country, and agency. At the bottom of the website, there is a disclaimer and a message. It is still necessary to check with the POEA to see if the job order is still accessible.
Video: POEA Government Agency Services Guide
If you want to learn more, go to the Department of Labor and Employment-IPS YouTube channel and watch the video named Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).
The video features an outline of the programs and services that every Filipino can expect from this government agency.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some common questions and answers about the POEA agency for your reference:
1. What is POEA?
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is the government agency in charge of overseeing and regulating commercial recruitment firms in the Philippines. POEA guarantees that all work offers available to Filipinos in other countries are legitimate. Their principal goal is to safeguard all candidates and Overseas Filipino Workers, or OFWs, from illegal recruiters and employers by developing and enforcing policies that promote the OFWs’ best interests.
2. What are the benefits of POEA?
POEA provides services to help aspiring OFWs obtain legal status through the correct papers before leaving the nation to work in another country.
3. What is the purpose of POEA?
POEA is a global organization that assists the creation and preservation of quality jobs for Filipino migrant workers, as well as their protection and easy reintegration into Philippine society, in collaboration with all stakeholders.
4. Is there a difference between POEA and OWWA?
When an OFW’s work contract is processed at POEA, he or she becomes a member of OWWA. Filipinos who are already working in another country have the option of voluntarily registering. OWWA members are entitled to a variety of benefits and services for a contribution fee of USD 25.
5. How does the POEA help and protect OFWs?
In most cases, the POEA guarantees that all work offers available to Filipinos in other countries are legitimate. Their principal goal is to safeguard all applicants and Overseas Filipino Workers, or OFWs, from illegal recruiters and employers by developing and enforcing policies that promote the OFWs’ best interests.
6. Is it possible for me to apply for multiple POEA programs and services?
Yes, you can apply for multiple POEA programs and services as long as the requirements aren’t limited to a single service or program.
7. Does POEA assist OFWs?
Yes, POEA assists OFWs under the OWWA program. They provide a variety of services that OFWs can take advantage of.
8. What is the process for applying for POEA?
Check and visit the POEA website for job openings or offices near you.
9. How long does the POEA take to process?
After completing Phase 1 of the application, the POEA process takes three to seven working days.
POEA is the government agency in charge of overseeing and regulating commercial recruitment firms in the Philippines. POEA guarantees that all work offers available to Filipinos in other countries are legitimate. T
heir principal goal is to safeguard all candidates and Overseas Filipino Workers, or OFWs, from illegal recruiters and employers by developing and enforcing policies that promote the OFWs’ best interests.
POEA provides services to help aspiring OFWs obtain legal status through the correct papers before leaving the nation to work in another country.
Contact Information
POEA Main Office
Address: Blas F. Ople Building, Ortigas Avenue, corner Epifanio de los Santos Ave, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila
Telephone Number: 8-722-11-44 / 8-722-11-55
E-mail address:
Facebook Page:
Google Map Location
Here’s the map location of the POEA main office in Blas F. Ople building: