The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is collaborating with the family members of the seafarers who were reportedly abandoned by the shipping company that hired them in Fiji.
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Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) may find working outside as a big opportunity for them to make a better living. There may be competitive salaries that can fulfill their dreams. However, circumstances are sometimes difficult to handle for an OFW. And sometimes these Filipino workers will need help from the Philippine government.

Bernard Olalia (POEA Chief) said in an online statement that the POEA and Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) are coordinating with the families or the next kin of the 10 Filipino seafarers. They are proposing a strategy to assist the allegedly abandoned seafarers.
He said, “The POEA and OWWA (Overseas Workers Welfare Administration) are coordinating with the families or their next of kin on what they can provide to the needs of the seafarers”.
He added that the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is working on the prompt repatriation of the 10 Filipino seafarers who were left out by their company.
Simultaneously, the manning agency, Able Maritime Manning Agency’s license was suspended for not able to monitor and file a report of the status of the seafarers. Olalia said, “They failed to give an update significant report or what we call (a) regular monitoring report. That is why we issued a documentary suspension against the said agency”.
The POEA Chief disclosed that the manning agency has been barred from hiring seafarers until their suspension is lifted. He added, “Until and unless the documentary suspension is lifted, they are barred from deploying any seafarer.” While reporting that the seafarers were already deployed to the Pacific Island Nation last February 2020.