OWWA at Your Service Episode: Project EASE Updates

OWWA at Your Service - project ease info

The first episode of OWWA at Your Service had a lot of good response from OFWs as this gives them ideas of what are the programs and benefits available from OWWA. That previous episode discussed updates on Tabang OFW program. In this second episode uploaded on February 5, 2021, they discussed the details of Project EASE, another scholarship project launched … Read more

OWWA at Your Service Episode: Tabang OFW Updates

tabang ofw project owwa service

This is the first episode of OWWA at Your Service, a new program show that aims to provide correct information about the programs and services of OWWA. Deputy Administrator, Mocha Uson, is the host for the first episode with a special guest, Deputy Administrator, Faustino Sebares III. This video webisode was uploaded on January 29, 2021. During this episode, they … Read more

How to Become an OWWA Member?

how to be an owwa member

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is a Philippine national government agency that protects and promotes the welfare of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) all over the globe and their dependents. OWWA provides certain benefits for active members and their immediate beneficiaries. In case you want to know how to become an active member of OWWA, we have listed the ways … Read more

How to Apply OWWA Tulong PUSO Program for OFWs

owwa Tulong PISO livelihood project

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration has been doing their best to provide different livelihood programs and financial assistance to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Among these programs is the group livelihood program called Tulong PUSO for OFWs. This is a partnership project by DOLE-OWWA which has been launched in lieue of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Also Read: How to Become an OWWA Member? … Read more

How to Apply OWWA Education for Development Scholarship Program (EDSP)

owwa how to apply owwa education for development scholarship program EDSP

OWWA offers a range of scholarships to dependents and beneficiaries of OFWs and one of them is the Education for Development Scholarship Program (EDSP). As a summary, EDSP is a scholarship grant for qualified beneficiaries / dependents of active OWWA members who plan to enroll in a 4-5 year course in college or university. There is a financial assistance up to … Read more

How to Apply DOLE-AKAP Online for OFWs (Php 10,000 COVID-19 Cash Assistance)

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has launched the “DOLE-AKAP for OFWs,” which aims to provide financial assistance to displaced land-based and sea-based Filipino workers due to coronavirus diseases (COVID-19). DOLE will grant a one-time financial assistance (DOLE-AKAP) of PHP 10,000.00 or its equivalent in the local currency of the host country to help Filipinos who lost their jobs … Read more

List of MWO Offices (formerly called POLO-OWWA Offices)

polo owwa offices abroad

Note: All POLO offices have been renamed to MWO offices (Migrant Workers Office) which are the branches of the Department of Migrant Workers scattered in different overseas locations where many Filipino expats reside. Please be advised of this change. For OFWs living abroad, it is important that you are aware of the location of the Philippine Embassy and Philippine Overseas … Read more

List of OWWA Benefits Programs and Services for OFWs

list of owwa programs and services

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), an attached arm of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), was tasked to protect and promote the welfare and well-being of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their dependents. It is a requirement for OFWs to become members of OWWA and there are many projects launched to benefit the welfare of OFWs. In case … Read more

How to Apply OWWA Mariner’s Dugtong Aral (Bridging) Program (MDA)

Filipinos who want to become seafarers, OWWA has a scholarship program called Mariner’s Dugtong Aral Program (MDA) which is a bridging program for selected engineering students. This is a financial grant allotted to those who want to take up a Mariner Engineering course to become Marine Officers. The OWWA’s response to the government’s Bridging Program is “Dugtong,” which means “bridging” … Read more

How to Claim OWWA Death and Burial Benefits

how to claim owwa death benefits

Should a family lose an OFW loved one while working overseas, OWWA has a death and burial insurance benefit where the family members can claim to help with the expenses such as for burial purposes. It is important that the membership of the OFW has been renewed to make sure the family gets the maximum benefit available. In this article, … Read more

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